Team 1716- 2012 - Osprey

Team 1716 would like to introduce their 2012 Rebound Rumble Robot – Osprey!

Video can be found here:

-Wide drive base allows for ease of ball collection and balancing on bridge
-6 wheel, Center dropped, 4 CIM drive train
-2 stage automatic convener system
-270 Degree Turreted shooter
-Single Flywheel shooter, Consistently scoring 3 pointers in offensive zone
-Passive wedge to lower bridge, gather balls and balance
-16 Different autonomous modes, utilizing alliance cooperation, for maximum scoring
-Able to cross bridge and barrier with ease

To Wisconsin Regional and beyond!

-Good luck to all teams

Team 1716 Redbird Robotics

Really nice video, really nice robot. I haven’t seen many wide robots with 6 WD, the wheels are so close they’re almost touching!

Heads up: your bumpers as shown here are ILLEGAL as per rule <R35>.

<R35>: Teams shall display their team number on the Bumpers in four locations at approximately 90° intervals around the perimeter of the Robot. The numerals must be at least 4 in. high, at least ¾ in. in stroke width, and be either white in color or outlined in white. Team numbers must be clearly visible from a distance of not less than 100 ft, so that judges, referees, and announcers can easily identify competing Robots.

Question on 2/8/12 by Team 1619:

Your bumpers appear to display your team number in five locations.

Thank you, our team was aware of the illegal bumper configuration, and made the necessary modifications prior to bagging the robot.