Team 1912 Combustion's 2012 Robot

Our robot Thermite is officially underweight (119 pounds) and ready to compete. See everyone at the Bayou Regional!

Looking forward to seeing it in action at Bayou!

It looks great! I see the light mounted for the retro-reflective tape… Guessing that it adjusts the speed of the flywheel?

Ah, sorry to disappoint but not quite Justin. The gun speed is controlled by a dial on the drivers console. The lights are there to help illuminate the tape but so far they give no feedback control. We had the tracking code working, however when we integrated with the rest of the robot code it slowed down the drive to a level that was unacceptable. The only piece of our robot that we did hold back was the camera (definitely under the 30 lbs) because I want to do some more testing with it as well as fully test the servo motors.
Where’s a picture of 2080’s robot? Id love to see what you guys built (in less we are held in suspense in till Bayou)

Looks cool! The wide base will make lining up to the baskets really nice.

What are you doing in your vision code, and where is it in the program? We made a few small changes to our tracking algorithm to trade a little reliability for a healthy serving of performance. We run it in a separate loop from the rest of our code and get enough FPS to align to the target. There is no apparent lag in the other subsystems. (We’re using Java, if that’s relevant, though if I had to guess the other languages would be even faster.)

Here it is!

There were some small adjustments made, mostly rewiring so there was no danger of entanglement. It’s a bit difficult to see, but there’s a servo above the shooter preventing the balls from falling in before we want them to. We’re also still working on our bridge mechanism to be brought to competition. Definitely looking forward to Bayou!

We are using LabVIEW and just imported the “Rectangular Target Processing” Example with some slight modifications. Im looking to make some more mods so it will work just the way I want it to.