TEAM 1923 teaser

is it only me or does any one else get this error:
The URL contained a malformed video ID.

You need to copy and paste it, and then remove the smiley (:yikes:) from the url.

EDIT: all fixed.

looks good but if it grabs around the outside of the ball then will it still fit in the 80 inches?:cool:

Matt, it’s not working for me, but if it’s what I think it is…

…you’re dead tomorrow.

One Word: WOW

Just a note for everyone: That is definitely me, but it is me under a large amount of cold medicine. I’m silly.

You know you’re addicted to robots when you can’t get out of bed for school, but the second a teammate texts you that he’s going to pick you up to visit the college engineers, you leap up and go outside to wait for him.

that is huge

very flattering, libby.
neat concept, although I don’t think you’re allowed to be the power source!

I was going to say, is Libby FRC-legal as a robot?

…who says the claws were our teaser? 1923 has been done since September 24th of '91!

…Which is why I’m wondering if you’re FRC-legal as a robot.:smiley:

Technically fabricated before the season, but I’m just magic like that.

Hey, that’s funny.

I’m sick too, and I went to team 97 today to machine some parts (we bought a portable bandsaw for the same price as a benchtop… someone’s ehh decision, because we can only cut extrusion & pipe & small pieces on it) and will be trying to sneak to our meeting tmrw without possibly going to school.

Must be week 6 :smiley:

all i have to say is…


Is Kamen Magic an approved source of power on bots? If so could you send some this way. Best video EVER