Team 2085 looking for mentors

Team 2085 is looking for mentors in the Vacaville/Sacramento California area. We’ve had some mentors drop off, move to different teams, or just move too far away to help anymore (myself) over the last couple years. We have two very dedicated mentors now that do a fantastic job on the operations, software, and electronics sides of things. Historically neither of them was heavily involved in the mechanical design / fabrication side of things so they’ve had to step into those roles too. Ideally we’d love to someone with experience in those areas to help with teaching the students about machining, CAD, and CAM. We’ve got a really driven group of students who are eager to learn. Despite the team losing a major donor, practice space, mills, and lathes this year they managed to build a quality robot and captain alliance number 5 at their first regional this year. If you’re interested feel free to pm me or message [email protected]. We’ll also be competing at the Sacramento regional next weekend if you’d like to stop by and say hello.

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