We have survived our second build season. This year our team name is PRIME 329, we’re not just odd… we’re Prime, Last year we were known as BEARTRONICS and attended the Milwakee Regional in Wisconson.
This year our robot has been named ‘Schnell Bahn’.
Our Teams website if you haven’t noticed is www.whitebearlakerobotics.com, we are located in White Bear Lake, MN and are attending the Minnesota Regional this year.
I guess I don’t actually know what you mean about the drifting, if your talking about when we are driving it, it drifts to one side or if you are talking about when it stops and still goes or something else
The robot appears to rotate a bit when when attempting to drive straight in a number of the videos. I was curious what you guys use for feedback and I guess, what you use for controls as well.
Yep we fixed that problem, (at least it was when we shipped it), we just added a couple of values to the pwm motors in the programming just because all motors and gearboxes are not created equal. But ya it was driving straigt on Sunday before we crated our robot.
We have just one Joystick from the kit of parts for forward, backward, left, right, and diagnal. Two buttons for turning left and right, and a two way switch, switch is up arm goes up, switch down arm goes down, and switch in the middle arm stop
yep thanks for the luck and yep 2207 is the 329th prime number
If you couldn’t tell from our videos and pictures our robot has mecanum wheels, we can knock the trackball off during Hybrid, can hurdle the trackball, can herd the trackball, and can place the trackball on the overpass at the end of the match.