Team 234 students and mentors are presenting 2 sessions at the Championship forums, one technical and one organizational :
Belt Drive vs. Chain Drive Evaluation
12 - 12:45, C203 - Thursday
Last fall, we completed an engineering evaluation of a belt drive vs. a chain drive system, using Design of Experiments methodologies and creating a controlled test environment. Team 234 will present the planning, test methods and results of the evaluation.
Creating a Team Continuity Plan - Business Plans to the Next Level
2 - 2:45, C203 - Thursday
Continuity Plans are a method of identifying risks to a business or organization and then creating plans of action to address those risks. Team 234 will present on what a continuity plan is, why they are important for FIRST teams, and then step through some examples of team risks and the mitigation plans around those risks.
We hope to see you there.