team 2517's swerve drive

My team has been working on swerve, this is what we have come up with, please post your opinion, as we want to find and fix any issues before building all the modules. CAD is here. i hope all the links will work for you, this is my first time posting links of any kind.

EDIT: fixed image, its a little big…

Image did not work, it redirected me to my google drive where an error popped up saying it was unable to access the folder and that I should check permissions on the folder.

thanks for the imput ill try to fix that.

Love the look. I don’t have access to a CAD program right now, what’s the dimensions and the ratio of that bad boy? Looks like it makes good use of space.

The design is based off of a mix of 1640’s swerve drive and 2471’s more advanced swerve. The big tube at the top(that mounts to the robot) is 2X3 inches about 10 inches long. It is made from a single piece of extrusion that starts at .25 thick with the top and both sides being machined down to .125 thick. Right now we have belts and pulleys ordered for both a 14 fps 9.8 fps (true speed) and maybe a 12 i don’t remember? We are using the bumpers as a way to reinforce the frame so we can use less weight on the frame. Fell free to look in to it more and ask questions!!! Me and Kyle can both answer.