Team 254 Kinect Hybrid

Some might have already seen our last-minute implementation of Kinect hybrid mode in St. Louis, but in case you haven’t, here is some footage from the Curie Division qualifications:

As you can see it’s a fairly advanced system, with extensive visual detection functionality. Our Kinect operator spent weeks practicing the precise movements you see here.

We found the Kinect to be very useful!

We are open to answering any technical questions.

Gotta love the poofs.

I wasn’t at Championships this year and didn’t catch it on the webcast.

Thank you for posting this, it seriously made my week.

Trolling like champs. Literally.

  • Sunny G.

Your human player moves with such grace and precision. Just awesome.

I remember hearing about the discussions of this after SVR, so glad you guys went through with it!

This is the video I’ve been waiting for for weeks. Good to see it was executed successfully.

Best Kinect usage that I’ve seen all season, well done.

Looks awesome! Happy to see someone used it.


This was an idea we had during our team party after SVR that a small group of mentors and our human player successfully implemented without the rest of the team knowing until right before it happened.

Unfortunately we missed out on some really good ones due to time constraints and inability to find the right pieces for the costumes, along with not knowing whether we would end up with FTA(s) with a sense of humor (shoutout to Mark Koors and Chris Noble for being very cool about it).

I only remember seeing the green one in person. The rest are awesome though. Gotta love the Poofs.

Wow! Your programmers must have been working overtime to write different Hybrid Mode software for each match.

No wonder why it took the Kinect so long to connect to the FMS, it was preoccupied with laughing is a$$ off!

Awesome guys, just AWESOME!

Pure awesome! Made my day :slight_smile:

This may be the most awesome thing I’ve ever seen in my life. It makes me jealous I graduated last year. I’d have loved to try human playing things for this game.

Great job by The Cheesy Poofs. They’ve never been strangers to great programming, have they? :slight_smile:

This is fantastic. I wish you guys had pulled it off in CVR too!

HAHA!! Very nice guys, wished I could have seen it in person. Can’t wait to see the ideas coming for practice competitions now!! :smiley:

That was hilarious! I really wish I had been watching Curie to see some of these matches.

On a side note, this reminds me of Ideas for Team 33 Underside Saying ( Just replace ‘underside saying’ with ‘things to do in front of the Kinect.’

Pretty impressive that your robot has such a huge number of options. Definitely should have won some award…“Highest Number of Dress Changes for a Human Player Award”.

Poor Microsoft. The Kinect has turned into a joke, albeit a pretty great one :smiley: