Team 254 Looking For Non-Technical Mentors

Team 254 is looking for a few experienced non-technical mentors to join our team. Thanks partly to last year’s post we were able to beef up our technical mentorship, but our awesome students are still sorely lacking guidance in the following areas:

  • Graphic design
  • Media
  • Business development
  • Grant writing
  • Marketing
  • Technical writing


  • Must be able to come to the lab 4+ days a week
  • Must have a sense of humor (Tem 254: Teh Chezy Pofs is just the tip of the iceberg)
  • Must have intestinal fortitude (mentor bacon, strategy brownies and corn dogs are rough on the digestive tract)
  • Must not object to having EJ’s head photoshopped onto random pictures of you


  • Mentor bacon
  • No snow or ice during build season
  • Mentors get served first when team parents bring dinner
  • Blubannerz

Let me know if you’re interested.

10/10, would mentor again.

-Paul Ventimiglia

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That’s how I got suckered in, after 11 seasons in the frozen tundra. No longer is build season mentally associated with shovelling, salt-encrusted footwear or having the flu. :cool:

Don’t mind me, just casually looking for job opportunities in the San Jose area right quick…

Mentor bacon
No snow or ice during build season
Mentors get served first when team parents bring dinner

Mentor bacon you say?.. Sorry 333, I may have to leave you and take my talents to the West Coast.

Tell me more about this deliciousnesssssssss

Lol traitor xD

We miss you too. :slight_smile:

That kind of time requirement is likely to keep a lot of otherwise interested people away.

That needs more explanation.

Personally, I believe it is a good thing to set standards like this for mentors. Often times I’ve come across mentors who aren’t around as much as they should be, but then assume they have a certain amount of say or input in decisions. Just as with students, the ones who show up and put in the time should be rewarded with such privileges. Many times mentors who aren’t always in the loop can make mistakes and poor decisions if they don’t know all the facts.

If only I was going to San Jose State :frowning: UC Merced is just a tad too far to drive 4 days a week.

Grant writing is a tough one.
It usually requires someone who is in either a school or DOE. Someone who has a great deal of experience working in the STEM area, understands how to create/evaluate SMART goals, and has a passion for FIRST (Robotics) while integrating it in the respective school/community is the most important part in proving to foundations, why you need funds.

In my experiences, writing grants strictly for robotics wont get the big fish. It usually involves addressing the larger needs of the school/community, while being able to leverage funding support where it benefits Robotics.

Its ongoing, its relentless, and when everyone else is done with the season, you’re just beginning to do your evaluation writeups. My deadlines are all due at the end of the fiscal year June 30th annually. And at the same time, youre busy trying to secure new funding support for the following year.

Good luck in getting the right person for you folks. 254 is definitely the right candidate to getting numerous funding support.

Interested? Oh heck yeah!

However, I have a lofty goal of one day (sooner, rather than later) finishing my degree…

Maybe in a few years… In the mean time, good luck!

Are remote mentorship positions available? Do those positions come with remote mentor bacon? :rolleyes:

And just to clarify, mentor bacon is bacon intended to be consumed by mentors, not bacon made from failed mentors, correct?

I live in NYS, but my brother still has a giant house in Monte Sereno. Can I be an honorary mentor if I just give you the keys and let you run amok in a robotty way?