Team 2550's website

Seeing all of the lovely comments on other people’s websites, I feel as though mine should get criticized too : D
Team 2550’s website
What da ya think?

Not a bad site, besides the point that I despise frames in general. One question though, why does the FIRST logo load to another page if you are just reloading it in an iframe on your own site? :yikes:

I like it. There is a lot of information, good job. I wish ours was that good.

Lots of information, easy navigation, I liked it.

However, it is essential for me as a mentor of team 2669 to promote our ‘Go Black’ initiative.

Please take some time and read the presentation we prepared on how to save energy by changing the background color into black.
Click on the link and ‘Go Black’ !

You’re using Joomla? So are we (team 2551)…

I like it. I like it a lot. The sponsors frame is a little wide, but overall, it’s fantastic. All of the information anyone could possibly want about your team is there, and very accessible. Congratulations on a job well done.

just so you guys now, my school is blocking you guys for pornography. thought you might like to know that.

Wow, another defective block mechanism…

yea, they blocked our site for the same reason. it could be the server it is hosted on (if done on a outside server) because some of those programs block by IP and not by Domain Name

Oh wow. I promise you we have no pornography on our website. hehe. That is horrible.
Thanks, wolfj, for the tip about the sponsors sidebar thing. I have resized that [by making the sponsors all be the same size] and I like it a lot better.
And yeah, team 2550+1 (hehe), I’ve succumbed to using a CMS. It let me focus on the look, content, and style code rather than learning PHP (which I will need to do someday). But unfortunately, it results in problems like Blad3101 pointed out with the wacko frames, which is the easiest way I found to make frames-like features. I’m sure someone has found an easier way. Eh.
And as far as black backgrounds go… I’ll definitely consider it.

Thanks everyone for all of this feedback!

Why don’t you just make the link target="_top" instead Jess523s, just a thought. :slight_smile: