Here is Team 25’s Robots picture:
This is what we use to control our arm. Its a mini-arm. Makes life simpler. Doesnt it?
Here is Team 25’s Robots picture:
This is what we use to control our arm. Its a mini-arm. Makes life simpler. Doesnt it?
soon we will have a picture of what we use to move our arm
There, its up. Although a little blurry, but good enough.
Can’t wait. Looks awesome. Especially the mini-arm controller.
So, what was the major problem that needed a new controller? Also, very nice robot, that arm is amazing. :ahh:
Long story short our robot will work after alittle work thursday morning of the comp. Oh we had to go big arm. We could not help it 2000 it worked for us maybe we will get lucky again.
Do you guys hang with that amazing arm? Stands up and applauds
yes sir we do thank you
Yep, we hang quite easily, and have the reach to do it off the platform. the odd way in which it lifts itself is quite a sight, I assure you.
how did you get that metal with the holes in it? Is that for less weight?
Drill press, friend! There is hardly a piece of this robot that doesn’t have weight lightening holes on it. Don’t think the arm is weak though- we may be crazy about the weight holes, but we know where to place them and remain strong.
Nice bot reminds me alot of swiss cheese haha that is great i cant watie to see what you have to control your arm
the third picture is what we are gonna use to control our arm
That is what people said to us in 2000 but i understand why you think that. We always want to push and make people think different and i am sure this robot will make you look at how arms are build in the future
yea it is great i cant watie to see it up close in a week when we go to NJ. y are all your tires connected by a belt? and witht he turret your arm is on can you go a full 360º
and is there any chance i can get an up close look/ demo of your arm controlor that thing is sweet. how much time went in to that?
we can not go 360 but close enough. yea we would love to show you what ever at the nj reagional. If you have any other questions just ask
There’s a small dead zone, one way or the other, but for the most part, we can go wherever needed with the turret. The tires are connected with a belt as part of the mechanism we use to climb onto the platform. See how the robot angles in at the back? The treads catch onto the platform there, pulling us up. Aside from that, the tires are similar to last year’s tires. We’ll get you some more pictures as soon as possible, and it’s a week till the New Jersey Regional. Good luck, all!
… they’ve done it again …
Wait, I thought Anthony said there was going to be diamond plate.?.?.
This is the first 25 robot in a long while with no diamond plate… I guess that monster of an arm is too heavy to afford any plate… Nice idea of running treads along your drive, wink wink- Do you guys have any trouble running around at +14 fps with that arm?