Why not show all of it? We posted video of ours weeks ago…
Well, I guess I didn’t want to show our turret design right now. We need any edge we can get!
Teams have 10 days to finish, if they don’t have a turret designed/built by now they aren’t going to have one.
Keeping your designs “secret” is totally your teams choice, but I personally don’t see why so many teams are so scared to show what they have. If you want to be the best you have to beat the best and if you think you have the best why not share it or show it off and be proud of it. Most teams aren’t going to drastically change their idea because a team shows what they’ve got. Look at 179 you think that teams dropped what they were doing and decided to build a 179 type bot because they showed it could be done? Sure a team or 2 might have but the majority of people saw it as an inspiration for following years to think outside the box and try something different.
In your video even if you hadn’t blurred out your robot from the distance you shot the video from people wouldn’t be able to see that much detail in what your turret.
That being said, good luck this year.
Keeping your designs “secret” is totally your teams choice
I don’t know why you’re thanking me. Either you are choosing to have selective reading or you didn’t read my whole post. I say it is your teams choice but I also say I don’t understand it(which is nicely saying I don’t agree with it). If you feel that keeping your robot “secret” is giving you an “edge” then you are wrong.
What gives teams an edge is hard work, working within your teams means, good scouting, great robot driving, and an excellent chemistry between the drive team.
I completely agree, and we are putting in hard work. I didnt know that this would offend people by bluring out part of a video :o
I’m not offended, just curious. We learned long ago that showing our designs doesn’t hurt us, and it can help other teams. Also if we have an idea that we think is pretty good, and we let folks look at it, they might let us know about problems we didn’t anticipate…
I’m not offended either. I wasn’t trying to say that your team or any team for that matter doesn’t work hard, I was saying that hard work is just part of the equation that gives team an "edge’ as you put it.
Oh. Well, uh, we know!
Also, I’ve seen other teams do the same in their video, so I guess I was going off of my past see-ings. From now on I’ll be sure not to do so, I guess…
Um, now that were past that…
Do you guys think that it has pretty good range? What is the range of your shooter?
You won’t get past it. I think it’s just plain silly not to show your robot. We have posted what we have had almost every step of the way. You’ll find out soon enough that it’s a very rare team that comes up with a truly unique design for any game. It’s the execution, control system and driving that makes a robot great.
To answer your question: It’s hard to tell what you really have. you are taking a shot that is rather far off. The angle is too shallow IMHO.I would like to see some videos of you taking a shot you might regularly take in a game. I only saw one out of 5 shots go in on a field with no other robots and the robot itself not moving. I would look to improve that, first.
Ok. I apologies to all, this is my rookie year. I guess I don’t understand FIRST as well as I thought yet
I think I have also been swayed by you all as well, mainly by the fact that it is week 6, there there really isnt any risk in posting of any kind
I hope I can be, um, forgiven?
Now I can say a few things
Looks like a cim powering that wheel? Some advice on that design.
- you are totally defendant on RPM’s to determine the velocity of the ball. A lot of the inaccurate shots you made was because the wheel had not reached max speed (I could tell by the sound of it).
- Trying rotating your hood back about 15-20 degrees. You will have more than enough power to make a shot and the arch will make the target area “bigger” for your ball.
thanks for sharing
So could we just cut off a couple inches of the top hood plate to achieve such? I think that would work…
Also, we plan on having an encoder on the shooter, so we will set its rpms exactly and it will fire when it has reached its speed
This is somewhat unrelated to the shooter aspect, and probably too late to change, but have you considered a banebot 775 and a cimsim? I assume that if you allocated a cim to the shooter, than you are only using 2 in the drivetrain, unless you did a 3 cim drive (Which I would love to see the logistics of such). This year, you may run into some issues with being pushed out of the way. Does your turret turn and aim itself? I heard something at the beginning about retroreflective, but I wasn’t sure if that meant an aiming system is in place.
Wow. This is hilarious. We just installed a CIM-U-LATOR on it today! We have 4 cims on our base, so that was a must.
In the beginning, the other programmer was joking about how the basketball backboard isnt retroreflective! It has camera automation with a turret turning system
We use 2 775’s through CIM-U-LATORs for our shooter, and it works beautifully. They haven’t caused a single problem, and allow us to use the 4 CIMs on our drive train (something you will be SO GLAD you did later on at the competition).
That’s an awesome shooter, with awesome range! I can’t wait to see it in (a) regional(s)!
A little tip from another team using 775’s through CIM-U-LATORs: Don’t ever run them at 100% power. Just to ensure they won’t break like the dozens of other ones. I know the other ones didn’t break this way, but you certainly don’t want a broken 775 at the start of week 6.
Hope this helps, and good luck this year!
p.s: Don’t be afraid to show your designs. The worst that will happen is we tell you how to make it better. It’s against Gracious Professionalism to entirely steal someone’s design without their consent (having it influence your design, however, is completely legal), so I doubt any team will be scrutinizing over your video to find out how you made your shooter.
That’s an awesome shooter, with awesome range! I can’t wait to see it in (a) regional(s)!
Well thankyou. That certainly means a lot coming from 256 (I’d say something else but youre not a programmer, so youd probably not get it, then it’d be all awkward)!
Did the 100% thing come from personal experience?
Yes, the 100% thing broke one of our 775’s after a while, and the second one smoked, but still worked. Something like 85% should be good.
And thanks for referring to 256 like that! I didn’t think we were that kind of team publicly. I’m not the main programmer on the team, but I do know a bit.