The purpose of this post is to share our CAD models and codebase for 2023 MARS competition robot, MARVIN XVI, with the FRC community.
The CAD models of the MARVIN XVI robot can be found here: MARVIN XVI V2.STEP - Google Drive
The released 2023 MARS MARVIN XVI CAD model consists of a sheet metal drive base which is nearly identical to our 2022 competition robot, MARVIN XV. The drivebase is again built around MK4i inverted swerves to provide us with greater flexibility in terms of the implementation of subsystems. The entire drive system was controlled with a dedicated CANivore. The upper structure of the robot is inspired by Team 111 Wildstang’s 2023 robot. The internal carriage has its heritage in our 2018 PowerUP robot while the intake and functionality of the single arm are based on the Wildstang design. Extra omni wheels on each side of the intake permit rapid side to side motion of the intake without it catching on the carpet.
The code for our 2023 competition robot can be found here: GitHub - MARSProgramming/MXVI-V2: second iteration of Marvin 16 robot
MARVIN XVI was the first MARS competition robot running a codebase written exclusively in Java. This is a major change, as we have traditionally been a LabView team. We used the WPILib command based architecture framework for our software.
For the drivebase code we created a fork of the SDS Swerve-Lib that would work with MK4i swerve modules on a CANivore. We also implemented path planning for autonomous plays using the FRC PathPlanner.
We hope everyone has a great kickoff, and MARS will see you at Greater Pittsburgh Regional, Miami Valley Regional, and World Championships later this year.