Sunday 01/05/25
Kids…young FIRSTers…Everyone, I need you to do me a favor.
Over this break I have gone for dog walks with some of my teacher friends. I have also run into them around school for various reasons. And I am going to relay a story to you.
See…the thing is, I am really blessed to get to work with some of the most amazing people our school has to offer. The kids on my team are amazing and wonderful and I get to work with most of them for YEARS. Starting in 3rd or 4th grade. I get to watch them grow up into young adults, and so many of them stay in touch moving forward.
But…back to my point/request.
I was talking to a teacher who was in her classroom over break preparing for the rest of the second trimester. Her daughter had a thing in town so while she waited she went to her classroom to get some work done. We were talking about how all of us have that one class where you would really rather not…Or that one group of kids where you wonder how they all ended up in the same class…and how exhausting it has become over the past several years.
How it zaps our love of teaching, and makes it so that even the classes we love to teach and the kids we love to work with aren’t enough.
She teared up. Another teacher said, “We have to keep doing this until the next part” By next part she was referring to retirement. For me 12 years away. For her…She left the conversation feeling down.
I ran into another teacher friend at the copier. Same story.
She has had to reconfigure all of her classes because where they used to run themselves giving her time to work one on one with kids (she teaches a number of classes that should be more self directed) now she has to spoon feed kids the information. She felt like her kids wouldn’t do the slightest bit of work and everything is about skipping to the end or just hitting submit on a blank assignment and going back to playing whatever the latest online game is that kids shouldn’t be playing in class…
A paranormal fantasy romance novel that I am reading,The main character ended up in hell somehow. In this version of hell people are forced to do repetitive tasks with little meaning without enough time to truly rest between tasks. That is how she felt about teaching right now.
We wondered where we went wrong and talked about what needed to happen in order for things to get on the right track.
So, back to being a mentor and getting to work with the best and brightest and all that. Here is my ask.
Go easy on your mentors this year. So many people that I have talked to are absolutely exhausted. I know you guys try, but please just think a little bit before you get defensive with them, or before you push back when they ask you to do something.
On another note, a brighter note?
Before the team started this year the kids decided they wanted to cut back the number of hours we meet in person. We are cutting one weekend day and one weekday so the team will meet something like 14 - 15 hours a week. We are also getting rid of homework hour and leaving at 5 instead of 6 PM on weekdays.
Honestly this makes me a bit nervous. On the other hand, the programmers decided they want to come in on Sunday and the awards kids are coming in on Tuesdays…So…Not much different from most years.
My hope is that in the least I will be able to do things like walk my dogs a few times a week, and I’ll be able to pick up my prescriptions at the pharmacy. (most of the time during build season the pharmacy is closed before I get home. (small town)
I just wrote a whole bunch of doubt down…well by just I mean last night when I write the majority of this, but then I had another thought…Manifest what you want to see in the world.
This year is going to be amazing! The game looks like fun, and there are some strategic elements that are going to provide interesting dynamics. The game pieces are big, but not too big. 16 inches is a lot of space to take up in a robot and I can see a lot of ball carriers or intakes getting smashed. Worse, reaching out for a ball Algae means risking getting penalties for contacting inside someone else’s frame perimeter. Tubes (Coral) are also relatively large. The one of each limit will also be interesting as well as giving the opponent an opportunity to score points by scoring points through the processor Cooperatition though…
And scoring coral may be an important ability because other teams might want to get the coral ranking point, while in the least removing algae is important because scoring coral can’t happen if the algae is still in place.
Note: I haven’t watched any of the robot in 3 days videos yet. I plan to, I just want to get my own feel for things first. (I hope you can understand.) I will try to post as often as possible.
Ok…Enough for now.