Team 2992 Week "Too Close!"

Here is a video of our robot 95% complete. We still have some tuning to do to get it where we would like it for competition, but it is functionally complete. We are a rookie team and have to work out of a mentor’s garage so there is not a lot of room to test.

Those do look like tight quarters! Getting driving & harvesting practice looks tough, but at least you had a place to build. Very nice looking robot & shooter so far. Good wishes to you & all rookie teams this year.

Nice job!

Are you worried about having enough ball storage to allow you to gather when balls are near and shoot when targets are near?

This is extremely impressive for a rookie team, congrats 2992! A couple questions: Do you plan on using the camera for automatic targeting? Do you have an adjustable range on your shooter, either by changing muzzle velocity or take off angle? What is your maximum reliable range?

Great job guys, I hope you get all the tweaks out before ship!

To answer the post above yours, it will hold 8 balls, we only have 2 orbit balls to play with thanks to all the local Wal-Marts being sold out.

For your question, we are planning to use the camera for automatic targetting and range finding. The code works on the camera off the robot, we hope it works as well once we get it integrated to the turret tonight or tommorrow. The shooter is adjustable range by adjusting the velocity of the wheel and preliminary tests show that to be sufficient. (We were gonna have an adjustable angled hood if that didn’t work)

Right now we are only shooting 7 feet, but that is reliable. You can see the balls hit the mill in the exact same place on the mill in the video. We are probably gonna up a sprocket and increase the wheel speed to see if we can increase the range some. That is all tuning and practice stuff for when we get the local school gym for the weekend to practice finally.

The students are really doing a good job. The mentors (me and one other) are in our 4th year so that helped to steer the students towards a pretty cool looking functional robot. Hopefully it will play well and the students will enjoy their regional.

Hey… I love garages. Our team is 14 years old and we still work in a garage :stuck_out_tongue:

Our last three robots were built in my garage…

That’s a very impressive robot. A rookie with a painted bot is not something you see too often…

pfft! of course we will enjoy the regional. The question is, will we make it to nationals? :smiley:

This is my 3rd year of FIRST, I moved here (Mandeville, Louisiana) and started this team (2992). This is probably the best rookie team I’ve ever seen. We have an awesome team, that actually works and we have a complete working, painted robot before ship date. How offend does that happen to a rookie team?