Team 3132 "Thunder Down Under" Chairman's Video


3132 has done an amazing job not only this year, but every past year they’ve existed. The work they do is incredible and doesn’t limit to just Australia, but across the borders, oceans, and hemispheres of our world. They are a role model for all teams to try and follow, and their work does not go unappreciated.

I think it’s needless to say, but they’ve got my vote.

Incredible video, and even more incredible and inspiring work.
My vote is in too.

Good work! Wow.

Retire the chairman’s award. As God as my witness, they have broken it in half.

Outside of some problems with the video and audio, this is definitely one of the best chairman’s videos ever. [strike]The idea is similar to RUSH’s[/strike] only vaguely similar to RUSH, doing it with a better speaker and mood, but has some shortcomings in the A/V area. I generally pick my choice for CCA based on the videos and this one wins hands down. I will be amazed if anyone makes something better before we get to champs, maybe even in the next couple years.

Absolutely unbelievable. The imagery and the message they send is impeccable. This is the most inspirational chairman’s video I’ve ever seen, and it accurately and concisely captures the immense intercontinental influence of their program.

Awesome work 3132! :smiley:

Absolutely humbling, 3132 is one of those teams that you are simply honored just to compete with. Simply amazing job.

I’ve seen some dang amazing Chairman’s videos, but this one takes the cake. To put out there not only what the team has accomplished, but to do so such that it’s not a brag but a humbling statement, is a feat in and of itself. They’ve truly mastered the first two letters of FIRST.

So… how about that CCA?