Team 3322's 2012 Robot, Elset

Maybe you saw Elset at Kettering, maybe you didn’t. Maybe you also saw the “Rube Goldberg” hybrid operation]( Either way, say hello to Elset, Team 3322’s entry to play Rebound Rumble. I won’t go into full detail about Elset in this thread as most of his specs and information is found on our award-winning website.

Elset is already a finalist at Kettering University District Competition and will be competing next at Livonia, and hopefully MSC and St. Louis.

We hope to see you around! :cool:

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To add to this, here are some videos of our robot that I like:

Kettering Qualifications Match 9 - We score 40 points by ourselves in one of the earliest matches of Rebound Rumble:

Kettering Finals Match 1 - 862, 3322, and 3601’s best performance at Kettering. Notice that the final shot from Elset was the difference between winning and losing this match.

And Jeff, I thought there was going to be a reveal video of some sort… The 1 minute long video of it from the shop would suffice, even though its quality is really low.

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I wish.

One round we had scored 44 points by ourselves, but ended up losing due to our alliance. Can’t wait for livonia!

I can’t wait for Livonia either.

Check out this modification that’s being put onto Elset at Livonia:

Good luck guys!

I know we should have a couple more parts coming your way tomorrow or Wednesday.

You looked great at Kettering. Did you resolve your drive system/electrical issues?

Yeah, we fixed the problem on the Tuesday after Kettering. Personally, I’m not knowledgeable enough to exactly note the changes, but our robot drives fine nowadays. Thanks again to the HOT team for fabricating those parts for us. :slight_smile:

862 is looking forward to Livonia, good luck to you guys!

Is it true this was all without vision? Either way, awesome job!

I can confirm that this was all without vision.

Our programmers just got vision to work tonight. :smiley:

Yes, this was all without vision. Our driver is good and our shooter is accurate. Although we like to think that we don’t need vision, we are close to having it working. The way things are going, I can expect to have it working by MSC… In the mean time, we have some other extra special things to reveal at Livonia. :smiley:

We’re pretty consistent too without vision, we tried today but failed. It’s a real pain bc of too much consumption on valuable resources. I also heard from another team using vision that the field system is pretty bad, that high priority data gets sent first, and sometimes vision wasn’t reliable…:ahh: