Team 3397 presents: Serenity

The story of our bot:

In our first strategy session of the season, directly after kickoff, team 3397 decided that we would try to go for a 50 point climber/dumper mechanism. We spent 3.5 weeks rapidly prototyping our this strategy. When we finally chose a design for our climber, we realized one very important thing, that would make us change how we played the game: we did not have the resources or expertise to pull off what we were trying to accomplish. If we had continued down that path, I feel that we would have not been able to climb, and would have ended up on a path, that, quite frankly, we did not want to be on. So on Wednesday the 30th, we totally changed our strategy. We were too deep in the season for us to build an effective shooter robot, so we pulled a page from team 4334’s book and decided to build a feeder bot.

Over the course of 4 days, myself and one other teammate totally revised all of our technical drawings that were to be sent to our welding and machining sponsor. This was our first year with Ranken Technical Institute as a sponsor, and our first having a welded robot. They allowed myself and one other teammate to come in on Wednesday the 6th and Thursday the 7th to witness the welding being done. We than moved the robot back into out shop for painting and final assembly of all of the various pieces going onto the robot.


Chassis Shape:

This shape was originally designed to help with climbing, as it was smaller and lighter than if we had done a full rectangular frame. When the whole design changed, we decided to keep with the “stingray drive” shape, because we really liked the way it looked, and how it was great for the drivers to drive.

3 wheels, front two driven, the back coasts
Single Speed: ~10 fps
4 CIM Drive through 14.88:1 Toughboxes
6" AndyMark HiGrip 2012 KoP wheels in the front, omni in the back.

Long pieces are 2"x1" Aluminum Tube with a 1/8th inch wall.
Lifted by a BAG motor through a 100:1 Versaplanitary gearbox turning a 5:1 chain reduction. Overall reduction: 500:1 (This is subject to change before competition for a slightly higher ratio)

Frisbee Feeder:
Lynxmotion tread running off of a BAG motor through a 10:1 Versaplanitary gearbox.
To load the Frisbees back into the arm, we use a tape measure pulling toward the tread. It retracts as we load a Frisbee in, yet as we spit our frisbees, it pulls them forward into the tread.

We should be able to score 2 disks into the 1 point basket in auton for a grand total of 4 points!

We will be competing at the Saint Louis regional.

A big thanks goes out to our coach, mentors, parents, and sponsors. A REALLY BIG thanks goes out to Ranken Technical Institute for welding our robot, and we look forward to working with you in the future.

Shiny. I don’t know if it’s legal to name your bot Serenity and not have at least one browncoat in the picture, though.

The robot was not named until right before the robot went into the bag, so we did not have time to put one in these pictures.

Oh my god that’s a beautiful robot.

I’ll be in my bunk.

Why thank you! Our color choice was Black and Gold because they are our school colors, and we spray painted it right after we got it back from welding.

Kudos on recognizing your team’s abilities and saving your season. This robot will definatly find its place on elimination alliances.

Regards, Bryan

I don’t know, but I already really love you robot. Very nice!
Looking forward to seeing you guys at SLR!

Yeah, the reason why I asked where you preferred to load from is because we are doing some pre-scouting in order to be prepared for competition, to figure out how to load whom.

Can’t wait to see you guys there, it will be AWESOME.

Is the leading edge at least 8"? It is hard to tell from the picture.

Doesn’t matter as long as the leading edge is fully bumpered. There was an update as to how to determine the 8" on either side of an exterior vertex. The upshot is that 8" can wrap around onto the next side of the frame perimeter. So if that leading edge is only 4" wide, the required 8" wraps around onto the long sides, and they have to have at least 4" of bumper on the long side. Of course they already have to have at least 8" of bumper on the long side, so it’s already covered and everything’s good.

Nice looking bot, very clean and well put together. I hope you guys are darn good at feeding, you’ll need to beat the time it takes to drive back to the feeder station to be effective, which is pretty fast for some. Good luck!


Nice looking bot, very clean and well put together. I hope you stallions are darn good at feeding, you’ll need to beat the time it takes to drive back to the feeder station to be effective, which is pretty fast for some. Good luck!

We think we should be able to save some time for our alliance. We plan on getting in a good amount of practice time.