Team 340- 2013 Robot (30 Point Climber)

Here is our 2013 robot for Ultimate Ascent!

Check it out at!!

Quick Stats

  • Human loaded
  • Two or Three Point Shooter
  • 30 Point Climber
  • Scores 4 alliance disks in top of pyramid while climbing

EDIT: Here’s a video of our robot performing the 50-point play!


Amazing climb. Great show tonight as well. Thanks for all you do!

Love the “mountain climbing” musical selection, too! :slight_smile:

Definitely a really neat climbing system! Looks like it’ll be consistent and effective (especially with the 20pt “bonus”) even if it isn’t always the fastest at its regionals.

Best of luck this year!

Yep…that sure looks student designed and constructed alright.:smiley: Great robot. Good luck y’all!

I can tell you that…

-The climbing concept was envisioned by a senior student, he is also our driver.

-The design of the mechanisms was a strong collaboration of students and mentors

  • The manufacturing of the robot was 95% done by students. It’s amazing what a good group of students with strong knowledge of CAD, G/M code and a Bridgeport mill can accomplish.:smiley:

95% ??? like 98% i felt like a unskilled laborer most of year the having to rough cut so much stock for the students to machine.

Mike just added a video of our 50 point play, check it out in the original post :smiley:


-FLR participants

Are you guys completely above the level 2 bar when hanging in level 3? It looks pretty close.

That is a really nice, elegantly designed robot. I am looking forward to seeing it in action at Buckeye.

its close we have index the hooks down its better now but im still worryed

I wouldn’t worry too much. A 20 point hang with a 20 point dump isn’t too bad.

Ya but the risk to get to 30 and then only get 20 would really suck.

179 is in the same boat. Having a tall bot makes the 30 point climb difficult if not impossible but the design truly isn’t worth it if it can’t execute the 20 point dump as well.

We’ll be fine. It hangs for 30.

Its not a 3rd level hanger though, its only built to go to level 2.

Wow!!! Nice work on the climbing. Good luck at the competition!

We can climb for 30. I’m not worried at all.

i did’t mean to make it sound like wont be able to just that this rev of the hook aint final