Team 341 Presents: Miss Daisy XVI

Team 341 is proud to present our 2017 robot, Miss Daisy XVI!

You’ll be able to catch Miss Daisy out on the field at the MAR Hatboro-Horsham District (March 4-5), MAR Springside-Chestnut Hill District (March 18-19), and the World Championship in St. Louis (April 26-29). Good luck, and see you at the competition!

I’m happy to see another inspiring robot from 341! I can’t wait to take a look at it in person at Hatboro-Horsham.

Looks fantastic, great work!

Wow, that’s an absolutely awesome robot! I find the auto-aiming turret a very nice touch. See you at Hatboro!

As always another beautiful robot! Good luck this year

Another great 341 robot! Can’t wait to watch this bot on a stream and hopefully at championship as well.

As always once again I’m amazed at 341 robot good luck this season hope I get a closer look in St. Louis

Looks great! Good luck this year!

Nice turret!