Team 341, Miss Daisy is proud to present our 2023 robot, Miss Daisy XXI. Our team decided on a strategy of obtaining both cubes and cones and scoring at all 3 levels. Cones can be obtained from the single substation, double substation, or from the floor on their side. Some basic specs:
95 lbs
23" wide x 30" long to better fit on the charge station with 2 full-size partners
SDS MK4i with Falcons for power and steering
Belt-driven telescoping arm
Roller-claw style intake with 120-degree wrist movement and locking mechanism
We are competing within the FIRST® Mid-Atlantic district at:
Hatboro-Horsham District Event (March 4-5)
Springside-Chestnut Hill District Event (March 18-19)
Best of luck to all competitors and we can’t wait to see what everyone else has come up with to meet this year’s challenge.
Oh my gosh, we were hoping. But alas, we just threw on pneumatics this week because our “comb” to lock our wrist in position was destroying those little servos. So now its a baby piston. So close to a pneumatics-less year, our first. But we always end up needing it.
The energy chain management system is slick, and I love to see those tubular mast supports. Takes a bit of skill to get the angles right but the rigidity:weight is unparalleled.
These are actually zip tie points for the wires that run up the outer stage of the arm. Unfortunately the wires run up the side that is not visible in this photo.