Team 3418 Robo Riot's *totally legit* robot for 2017!

Last image by a member of our pit crew.

Hi all!

This is RoboRiot 3418’s totally legit 2017 robot! It is a gear robot that can deliver a few gears each match (we haven’t counted). It has somewhat of vision tracking capabilities, a vacuum for cleaning up, bump sensors, and a mind of it’s own!

Unfortunately you won’t see us at any of the worlds champs, but if you were at 7-Rivers then no doubt you probably saw us with DJ Roomba!

Good luck to all the teams that qualified for champs!

Just don’t get it stuck under any bridges :rolleyes:

One problem I see is that it doesn’t follow the bumper rules.

R22: … A round or circular FRAME PERIMETER, or segment of the FRAME PERIMETER, is considered to have an infinite number of corners, therefore the entire frame or frame segment must be completely protected by BUMPER(S).

Also, how about 10 roombas on a field?

Always a pleasure to see Robo Riot in action. :cool: