Team 3539, the Byting Bulldogs, present their third robot to date, named “Consuela”. This is some footage at our district event at Waterford Mott. All weekend, we’ve been struggling with bugs that have slowed us down, but finally by the end of the day on Friday everything is worked out and looking good. We’re hoping to finish off our qualification matches with a good run and make a good enough impression to be picked for eliminations.
Quick specs:
6 wheel tank drive
Fast, reliable ground loader
Shoots 4 discs at a time in 3 pt goal
Extremely accurate from under the pyramid- >90%
10 point hang
4-disc or 3-disc auton routines; 6-disc in the works.
I have huge expectations not only for this robot, but this team in general; and not just because of their music selection! Don’t disappoint, bulldogs!
In all seriousness, this match was sick to watch. You really cleaned up, and I’m ecstatic you managed to work out your bugs before eliminations! Good luck today, at Troy, and at MSC!
That was an insane match. After our second cycle of discs, we destroyed our intake on the carpet. It actually hung down to the ground and invalidated our hang at the end. If you look carefully, you can see the pit crew get up and run from our seats to the pits after the buzzer when we see the ramp hanging down.