Staten Island Students Win Grant To Make a Better Wheelchair
Staten Island Technical high School (FRC Team 375) in Oakwood Heights is the first city school to win a $10,000 grant from MIT, after creating an idea for making a better wheelchair.
Staten Island Students Win Grant To Make a Better Wheelchair
Staten Island Technical high School (FRC Team 375) in Oakwood Heights is the first city school to win a $10,000 grant from MIT, after creating an idea for making a better wheelchair.
After seeing 375 at Eurekafest at the beginning of the year and talking to them about their proposal and project I knew it could be great.
I wish you guys luck in your further development of the wheelchair. Doing an FRC season and an MIT Inventeam project at the same time is quite a feat, but I know you guys can do it.
I am not 100% sure the title of this article is correct, while it is the high school getting the grant, there is no mention of the robotics team in the article. Congrats to the wheelchair team, hope to see the prototype in april.
FIRST off, Team 375 would like to thank everyone for their support and kind words when we won the InvenTeam grant. Although the grant is not relevant to FIRST, our InvenTeam was founded by members of our robotics team. The InvenTeam’s wheelchair concept led to the creation of a new class in our school (S.T.E.M.) that consists of members of both FRC Team 375 and the InvenTeam. Our wheelchair project, supported by the Lemelson Foundation, has allowed these two teams to collaborate with one another for the benefit of the wheelchair bound. We are very grateful to the Lemelson-MIT program for providing us with this opportunity, and we hope we can make a difference.