hey everyone i decided its time i post here so here what my team has. www.twistedblizzard.com
:ahh: also my banner is a link…
hey everyone i decided its time i post here so here what my team has. www.twistedblizzard.com
:ahh: also my banner is a link…
looks neat…but nothing special
you should try to code your own stuff so you can enter the competition. i understand you might not have time to learn php and mysql, but you could atleast learn html…
blog systems are so trendy
Ummm… I know html pretty well but it wasnt my idea to use that design im new to the team this year and after doing programing, wiring, and are animation (that didnt get done) there was no time for me to do the site personaly so some other members did that.So learn to not judge so quickly.
i wasn’t judging…
if i was juding i would’ve criticized some of the colors or something. (not that they are bad but just as an example)
it’s a plain blog system with minimal mod’s. i was merely stating that these sorts of sites are rather common. it wasn’t a personal attack on you or your team.
you need to learn not to be so hasty about what a poster’s intentions are.
i didn’t mean any spite, merely encouragement to code your own and enter the contest.
Having a portal thing like that is cool. Just, it shouldn’t be the only (or main) thing of your site. If you check out the Web-Design forum, you’ll find lots of stuff on what other web-masters like/dislike about sites.
It’s great that your team just has a site b/c this way other ppl can contact your team if they want to.
Remember: CD is the best place in the world to talk all about FIRST. BUT… For the web competiton, it isn’t a good site. … Just take a look in the web forum, and you’ll find out all about this.
site down
everything is running fine.
Are server went down again yesterday was on purpose but now there is a problem but hopefully are server will be back within the hour.
just after i posted last msg are server had finished restarting and now is back online.
Enzeru, obviously you are new to the FIRST program. There is a this little thing called Gracious Professionalism. Other teams are not hear to criticize. Jack and Jeremy were merely offering ways to improve the site and ideas on further development. Also seeing your work load, shows great initiative for a new member, however, keep in mind you are on a TEAM there is no I in team. And if you worked as a team you may have had time for other things and not have been so frustrated.
I agree with what what said for some parts. I do see some HTML problems that aren’t big deals. For the most part it looks good, but could use some more personality.
I just, kind of, want to know why my picture ended up in your Image Gallery.
It’s a nice color scheme and is better than the other sites I’ve seen posted? Why? Because it doesn’t use excessive flash; quick load and data is in places that’s easy to access and find.
However, as photoshopper, what bugged me was your title banner. The caption “Welcome to the…” is nice and sharp but the title, ‘Twisted Blizzard’ is blurred and rounded and looks out of focus compared to the rest of the images… that’s my 2 cents.
As a student captain of twisted blizzard i would like to put a word in on this conversation. I have been a member of twisted blizzard since there was twisted blizzard (4 years). Gracious professionalism has been a key factor in all we do. I do not want our team to have a bad name over a arguments that should have never taken place. AS to the website…We are starting this site and are still working on it. Each member has played a important role on what the team achieves. We only have alittle more than 15 students on the team.
I just feel that some team members got stressed out and did not think things through before com-meting on the issues taken place.
We do work as a team, no one person built twisted blizzard, or the robot, or webpage. No one person did the animation or wiring, or anything. But there is a difference when one person takes it into their hands and feels like they should do it all. This should not be done and we should all work as a team no matter of skill or lack of ability.
good luck to all!
yes… The site competition is depending on your own creativity… Even if you use someone else script customzie it so it looks more original but right now it looks decent!