I’m going to try to be “specky” but you are talking about a computer guy. :o
Drivetrain: 6 pneumatic wheels ran off of 2 andymark mini’s with a CIM attatched to each ran off of the KOP gates belts set. It has a footprint of around 32 x 23.5.
Shooter: 2 pneumatics wheels ran by one large CIM and one mini CIM. It’s angle is set at 26 degrees. It compresses the frisbee to 10.5 inches.
Feeder: A custom arm driven by one VEX 393 motor geared to a 5.3 to 1 ratio.
Climber: Four custom rails and cars cable pulled by 4 banebots 775 motors with a 4 to 1 gearbox attatched to the denso wormgear boxes.
Whinch: A custom drum driven by two denso window motors through a custom pulley attachment to our climber.
Strategy: We plan on shooting 3 frisbees from the corner of the pyrmaid during auton. We then will either play defense on full court shooter or we will run to the feeding station three times(hopefully), and then climb at the 45 second mark.
Good luck to every team this year and we hope to see some many great teams at the St. Louis regional this year.