Team 3926 (St. Paul, MN) is Looking For Mentors

Hey y’all! Team 3926 is currently looking for mentors for the 2024 season – we’re currently looking for mentors with knowledge in CAD, Coding, and Build as we are fairly mentor limited this year in terms of these subteams, during both practice, and at competition (many of our mentors are not able to take off the days required to attend both of our competitons). If you are interested, please either message me let me know or email [email protected]. Thank y’all!


I’d like to promote this as a great opportunity for anybody in the twin cities! 3926 is an awesome team full of awesome students!


Thank you for the kind words!

Our 1 and only mentor mr aaron perkins would love to help out feel free to contact him

I was suggested to list some more information about our team and things potential mentors would want to know:

  • We typically meet after school from 3-6pm, during the offseason we are meeting on Thursdays and Fridays, during the onseason we meet Mon, Wed, Thurs, Fri, and Sat (on Saturday we meet from 1-6pm)
  • Our mentors show up anywhere from one day a week to all five
  • We are flexible in requirements for mentors – we aim to work with our mentor’s schedules and when they are available

If anyone has any other questions, feel free to reply in this thread, or email [email protected]!

You forgot to mention that you get cute penguin hats! Probably the most important detail.


It most certainly is! If that doesn’t convince anyone to mentor, I’m not sure what will :laughing:

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