Rookie FRC team 4159: CardinalBotics week one video!
Very good start I’m actually jealous with your progress in the first week. I’m sure we will see you at Worlds. Good Luck!
is that kid afraid of a circular saw?
I saw 2 mentors? great work if that is how many you have but I would really suggest you find some more and fast!!!
also for the end of the video: (
[R16] The Bill of Materials cost of each non-KOP item must be calculated based on the unit fair market value for the material and/or labor, except for labor provided by team members (including sponsor employees who are members of the team) and shipping.
Example: A team receives a donated sensor. The company would normally sell this item for $52, which is therefor its fair market value.
donations will not reduce the cost of your robot for inspection. Go ahead and get donations if you can but remember the budget constraints still apply to them.
Great video! Gotta love our rookies from SF! Looks like you have your robot on track. Like I said earlier, if you’re in need of any help, please feel free to contact us! We’d be more than happy to help get a rookie team up to their maximum potential, and with anything else you may need!
I see a Rookie of the Year award sometime soon!
you posted the link here! no wonder it had 120 views lol
btw it looks like we are getting a lot more done than we actuallly are…
If your students are that motivated and involved year one, you’ll have a good team for years to come.
Exactly what Tom said. It looks like you’re off to a great start!
Good Job, better than our first week on rookie year, and also might think about some safety glasses for all construction projects just saying. ::ouch::