Team 4480 Build Season and release video

Well, It’s been a long tough year, but here’s a quick recap of our season and our robot thus far!

Thank you


Cool robot. What was the reason for going with mechanum instead of tank drive?

It was my students decision and I believe it was meant to be more of a growth goal for them than a design implementation for the game.

We did struggle quite a bit (started with 6” wheels with the AM14U chassis and couldn’t clear the middle floor obstacles!) so we opted to do 8”. The. We had perimeter issues. Etc etc. but after a few struggles we now have the chassis dialed in and driving nicely!
We also have never successfully built a multi load shooter before. we tried back in stronghold and struggled very much. We managed to make a shooter (not our shinning moment when the epiphany happened) but this is the first time the shooting design was intentional.

We don’t have a large tech department so it just grew and adapted and morphed from the chassis to a working Shooter, and became the bot it is for us.

Not bad for a bunch of freshmen!

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