Team 449 is looking for mentors!

FRC Team 449: The Blair Robot Project is looking for new technical and nontechnical mentors. We are located in Silver Spring, Maryland, a suburb of Washington DC. If you or someone you know in the DC area has experience with mechanical or electrical engineering, programming, FRC scouting/strategy, or business and writing, please email [email protected] or call 301-825-3745 to find out how you can get involved!

Some perks of mentoring our team:

  • Weekend potlucks
  • Chances to go to a lot of cool DC events
  • We have a cool CNC lathe and router
  • Weekend potlucks
  • Friendly and welcoming atmosphere :slight_smile:
  • One bus ride away from UMD
  • Weekend potlucks

Mentor Bacon?

I have a client in that area. I don’t get up there often though. Can this be a once a year opportunity?

I’ve already got a 449 shirt and a 449 mentor told me he empathizes with my students so I feel like I’m already like half way there. :wink:

In all seriousness, I will put in a word with said client at my next opportunity and see if I can get them to reach out.

You have our attention.

Do you accept students from other states within your District :rolleyes:

Also, the question that important to everyone is do you have field-relative positioning through non-linear state estimation?

(^can someone explain this to me k,thx)

Relates to post 3 but idk offhand if its the origin.

Thank you for the help!

We’re working on it!