Team 48's Scouting Database

I just wanted to let everyone know that team 48 has a great scouting database this year and you are more then welcome to come to our pit area and ask what a certain team can do. We have scouts watching all practice rounds, qualifying rounds, and also going through the pits. In canada we also invited everyone to use our scouting database and there were many teams that took advantage of our scouting. So, I’m letting everyone know that the information is there and that we are more then willing to share!!

Yeah a team that we were alliance partners (team 201 the feds) has a pretty sweet spreadsheet data base too.

Hehe… I know that database well… I wanted to thank you guys again for all your help at the Cdn. regional, I’m sure that without you guys we wouldn’t have done nearly as well as we did. So yea, it’s me the chick from 783 that came by almost every hour or so to ask for stats, scores, etc. Thanks again guys!
hugz to all as alwayz
Ann-Marie -team 783

There were alot of rookie teams there that had never scouted before and felt that was something we could help with. Going into the competition there was alot of talk about how the veterans woudl walk in and this that and the other. I’m just glad that we could help you and the many other teams that strolled through our pit area to ask about another team. I just hope there are no bad feelings about Delphi ELITE being in Canada. It was a good competition and I hope all the rookie teams come back next year with that much more to take with them and go with it.

Hard feelings about ELITE coming to Canada? Why would you guys think that?! Having you guys was awesome! You were so loud and alive, it was great, you were the party team and sooo much fun to hang with, esp. at the party. Thanks for coming and I hope we can see you guys next year!
hugz to all as alwayz
Ann-Marie -team 783

There was alot said for all the veturns that were coming to Canada, considering there was an abountant number of rookie teams. Your reight however when you call my team the party team. We are told that we are there to have fun and that the competition is just that one aspect of the game, not the whole picture. I espcially liked the “DELPHI’S COMING” on the way out of the party. There was alot of people looking around with blank stars that night. What was even crazier when alot of the other teams started leaving we got our teachers up out of their seats and they were out dancing with us. That was a moment I hope was caught on film!! I’m glad ya’ll had fun and I’m sure wherever we go next year we will have all the hype and dance moves that we had this year…

*Originally posted by Team93FIRST *
**Yeah a team that we were alliance partners (team 201 the feds) has a pretty sweet spreadsheet data base too. **

Thank you. I’m glad you liked our database. One of our teammembers put a lot of hours into it, and it shows.

hey no problem man, It was great being in the operator station with ya, I think our teams have formed a great friendship in the future.

I know of at least two teams that have a Palm scouting Program, is it easier that way to transfer scouting reports. My tam still uses papr and then we take that information and pu it into the computer. We also take picture of all robots we are scouting to add to our Data base. How many teams out there have a Palm scouting program??

111 does. More on this once I get a decent web page up for WASH :slight_smile: If there’s enough interest I’ll also release my code so people can see what a PalmOS newbie can do in his spare time, and give people a chance hack around and make it even better.


Are palm programs written in C++? I think so, but I just was wondering if they really are.

Also, team 201 scouting database was in Access 95, and i really didn’t like it. Hopefully, next year i’ll have a working copy of VB so i can make it using that. Then, we can just transfer data on the palms right into the database.

Finally, if any new teams would like to see the database, i can send you the access 95 file. Just email me. [email protected] Now thinking about it, the database really isn’t that bad compared to scouting with just paper.

*Originally posted by Jack *
Are palm programs written in C++? I think so, but I just was wondering if they really are.

Yes, a lot of them are. I believe there are also PalmOS compilers for Java and other languages (forgot what they are), but the most common language for PalmOS programming is C/C++.

Some apps (like 312’s scouting app and 236’s scoring app) are created with development packages like Satellite Forms or PenDragon Forms. They reduce development time and are easier to work with. They obviously don’t allow for as much custimization as a program written in C, but for a scouting database they should be sufficient.

That said, I still used C for WASH because I thought it would be more fun & a bigger challenge, and I wanted to add timers which I don’t think I could have done with a development package. Plus I didn’t have $900 laying around.
