Team 51: Wings of Fire

Here is the debut of the new logo for Team 51 “Wings of Fire”. This new logo was born out of the heritage of Team 47 - Chief Delphi and Team 65 - Huskie Brigade.

Our new school features the Phoenix as the school mascot. The intent was to capture the great heritage of both teams retaining our image and moving to a new and unified symbol born out of fire - The Phoenix.

I spotted the icon immediately at the top of the portal. Very eye catching. Excellent work on the emblem and good luck this year!

Side note: You’ve got to name one of your robots Fawkes!

=Very nice. Very well laid out too. I like it

I second that. :smiley:

Like…like… where is it?? AAHH WHERE’S THE LIKE BUTTON?! Oh, wait. …Right.

It’s really cool because it at least resembles a legitimate coat of arms, with the two ‘parent’ mascots. Very classy.

By the way, is the website going to get changed to purple?

That just looks epic. I have no other words to describe it.

Way awesome. Love the purple, and the way you fit so much information into such a small area without making it looked crammed.

Excellent work!

I don’t know about the entire site, but take a look at the top left of the page.
The link to the forums now features this logo.

If only there was a way to get a “like” button…

I really like the logo!

Good luck team 51 and thank you team 47 for creating and maintaining this site!:slight_smile:

You are two amazing and inspirational teams!:]

I hope not. I’ve grown accustomed to the orange. If they choose to change it though, can we make it an optional change? I know some sites have multiple color schemes. The new logo at the top is already throwing me off a bit.

I’d be more thrown off if the favicon was changed.

Very cool. Are you changing Chief Delphi’s color scheme and favicon?

Will we now have to wait 51 seconds between posts?

Love the new logo. Martus, I see you made sure your font got in there. :slight_smile:

Our team was lucky to have the talent and creativity of Ms. Caius Schneider in the design of the new logo. Caius kept us on track during the design and made sure that we followed good screen printing practice, etc. for the blocks of color.

I am not sure how many FRC logos she has designed - I think quite a few - but if you are looking for some experienced artistic input, we would highly recommend her!

PM me if you want her contact info.


It looks awesome, it really unites both teams. Good luck to you guys this season. :slight_smile:


So will you call that the coat of arms of the Wings of Fire? Also I think the site can stay orange only because it represents the fire. Maybe we can incorporate purple somewhere else.

I look forward to the day I cr_ _ myself seeing that logo coming toward the glass in front of me :slight_smile:

I’d say you guys rose to the occasion.


I’m not sure where I am now…47? 51? :stuck_out_tongue: