Team 5254 2017 Robot Reveal

HYPE is proud to present our robot for the 2017 season, Salvo!

Salvo will be competing at the Finger Lakes and Long Island Regionals.

Nice robot! Looking forward to meet your team at sbpli! Good Luck!

Glorious Plywood!

Excited to compete with you guys at SBPLI!

How many balls per second have you guys seen on average?

You seem to halt your stream of balls after a couple.

Very impressive- do I spot a shooter to rival 118’s?

It’s amazing at how well your team utilizes COTS parts to their fullest potential to create truly elegant and effective robots.

Another incredible machine from HYPE!


Alright I’ll admit that “rival” is a relative term. With that said though, your raw speed seems to be ~80% of theirs.

Of course, that’s without those intermittent breaks in the shooting (you guys gonna try and fix those?).

But anyways. How about we settle for “good” shooter instead?

That footage was shortly after we attached this version of our hopper. Since then it’s gotten to be a more consistent stream and it will be iterated further until our first regional (and beyond). We have a variety of shooter changes already in the works.

Glad to hear it. I’ll be watching this bot’s career with great interest :slight_smile:

Your team continues to impress! Cant wait to see this bot on a stream.

Very impressive and consistent shooter if that is only the first iteration. Good luck this year!

Disappointed that we won’t get to compete with you guys at any regionals this year, but hopefully we’ll see this thing at East Champs/IRI! Good luck HYPE!