Team 5818 two gear autonomous, San Diego QF1

That’s pretty impressive. Nice job 5818

Very cool 5818 and great job for the pilot too. See you in Ventura going to be fun.

Where did the gear on the floor come from? Did it flop off another robot at the start?

When a DRIVE TEAM loads their ROBOT onto the FIELD for a MATCH they may elect to:
A. pre-load one (1) GEAR in or on their ROBOT such that it is fully and only supported by the ROBOT. Any GEARS not preloaded in a ROBOT are transferred to their LOADING LANE

Yeah, we balanced a gear on the corner of the of our teammate’s bumber, and it fell when they moved.

*We balanced a gear on the corner of our teammate’s bumper

We were so excited to see it during quarterfinals! Congrats 5818 on being able to do this, I can’t wait to see what you all do during Ventura!

Did you do anything special to help guide it to a good place for your intake or were you just lucky that it was close enough?

BTW, nice intake.

We track the tape near the peg on our approach, and track the gear on our way back to collect.

And thanks! We’re happy with it too!

Did you come up with any techniques to get the second gear to drop in a reasonably good place? In the video it looks like it was pretty perfectly dropped in the middle position.

We are interested in adding the second gear and have the right vision targeting to do it. I’m looking for some tips for second gear positioning if you have any.

We ran some tests with our own robot and found that if the gear is perched on the back of bumper it falls rather consistently. Of course there is some variation, but we use both our vision tracking and the width of our collector to make up for that. At least for our robot, we aimed for the second gear to land less than a foot from our own starting position.

To add on to what jproney said: we position our teammate’s robot such that the back corner of their bumper is slightly more than a gear’s width away from our bumper. Then we prop the gear up, tip it over to verify that it’ll fall in the right direction, then prop it back up.

All I have to say is #goals guys

I could not tell from the video, did the pilots get the second rotor spinning in auton ?I know this would have also required partner to place a gear.

In that match our alliance partner tried to place a gear on the side peg, but unfortunately it was not successful. That means the first two-rotor auto is still anyone’s for the taking! We will definitely be trying to reach this milestone at our next regional.

Very, very cool.

Love everything about the gear mechanism(s).

Pretty cool, but 3473 steals the show…

Watch at .25 speed

That was amazing! 0:16-0:18

And thanks 3473 and 3328 for an awesome alliance, it was great working with you!


HaHa! Nice Gear Handling! We were so focused on 5818 that we didn’t see that.

Looking Forward to Ventura where we hope to do many more 2 gear autos and hopefully achieve a real Two Rotor Auto with our alliance partners.