Team 5's Future Design

I’ve been working for a while now, and what some opinions.

Which one would you prefer and why?

*Originally posted by Raven_Writer *
**I’ve been working for a while now, and what some opinions.

Which one would you prefer and why? **

personally, im a fan of the second design. the majority of my reasoning lies in purely organization. the second one seems far neater and easier to read through, mainly because it lacks the bold headings (which can sometimes be distracting, i find), and the links are right or left aligned as opposed to centered.

overall, the second one definitely gets my vote; one suggestion i’ll make is that the image on top of the first one is better suited to the overall layout, instead of what you have on the second one. and maybe, a little space between the image and the type in the second design would be easier on the eyes.

sorry if i sound overly critical, i really dont mean to be. both designs are certainly well done, with a ton of information. feel free to IM or PM me, if you want. bye!

If you’re really going to use red/black as the color scheme, use #2. #1 has headers that stand out, a LOT. If it’s more of a monochrome or using less visible colors (like softer blues greens, etc), then you could go with 1. Anyway, just please don’t go with the font you have there… please?

while i’d have to agree that i am also not a big fan of the red-black color, I’d say #2 over #1 also.:smiley:

ps: I agree w/ tatsak42 too. Change the font :wink:

#2 looks cool, kinda need at least 1 more color different font and that cool fade affect u have on ure first website

#2 looks cool, kinda need at least 1 more color different font and that cool fade affect u have on ure first website

I have all of our team colors used, but I’ll try to find one more. The fade effect uses up to much space, slows down the page, and so forth ( I only had it on the first one, because I wanted to show something different ).

while i’d have to agree that i am also not a big fan of the red-black color, I’d say #2 over #1 also.

ps: I agree w/ tatsak42 too. Change the font :wink:

Red-Black is our main color [besides white].

Which font would you guys propose?

Thanks to all who have replied so far :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Raven_Writer *
**Red-Black is our main color [besides white].
Which font would you guys propose?

Black/Orange are team47’s colors, but we couldn’t go with strictly black & orange, or else it would be hard on the eyes. So I added some greys/blues in there, to give it more of a variety. I think as long as black/red are the main colors, you can add others as well to break things up a bit.

As for a font, I’ve always enjoyed Tahoma, Verdana or Arial.

I like #1 for sum reason.

But on number one have the headers fade black to red going down… maybe that will be better.

Have it toned down a lot. Try to have a white background but have black and red accents. But for desing I like 1, but it dosn’t look good with blakc & red.

*Originally posted by Brandon Martus *

:smiley: Nice font…

White text on a black background is an enormous strain on the eyes.

If you want to get a user’s attention and keep it, use a white background.

How many professionally designed, heavy traffic websites have you seen with such a dark color scheme?


I agree…white backgrounds are so much easier on the eye. My high school colors were black and red but they had different schemes for websites. Maybe this will be a little inspiration…

  1. Hart High School
    This is our high school’s official page, designed by students and all with black text on white but color splashed in.

  2. HartBurn
    This is the team’s webpage, also designed by students. It mostly has gray but there’s black and red throughout (like the News Archive Page). It won the website award in LA so I guess they liked it.

Hope this helps!

/me likes comic sans. LOL

Actually as Brandon already said, Verdana is a happy font. I tried using Tahoma for school work, but it’s a relatively big font, takes up a lot of space. Ariel is good too.

Like, fonts that are just lines are nice, ones that stick out (Look at the T in Times new roman, it’s got little things on the sides of the top of the T.) I dont like any of those. Includes garamond.

While look at this font you’re reading. Just lines, nothing excess. w00t! /me likes.

You could also change your school/team colors, hehe, j/k. But yah, black+red , white font, is clashy and anti-calming. Adding grays, um… other colors that fit, that makes the site more readable and makes people want to stay longer.

*Originally posted by tatsak42 *
**I tried using Tahoma for school work, but it’s a relatively big font, takes up a lot of space.

Don’t get used to that. Most style guides require that you use Times New Roman, size 12 or 10; double-spaced.

Like, fonts that are just lines are nice, ones that stick out (Look at the T in Times new roman, it’s got little things on the sides of the top of the T.) I dont like any of those. Includes garamond.

The “little things on the sides” are called serifs. Times New Roman, Book Antique, Garamond, Georgia, etc., are Serif fonts. Arial, for example, is a “sans serif” font. Sans is latin and means “without.”

You should always choose a font that’s appropriate to the project. Typography is a profession unto itself, remember. Choosing your typeface should not be arbitrary.

You’re right that many style manuals require Times New Roman or something similar, but for websites like these that doesn’t really matter. Its more important to have a font that’s pleasing to the eye and easy to read(like Verdana, my personal favorite).

But all that doesn’t really matter since you can hardly read anything with that black/red color scheme. I realize those are your team colors, but I’m sure you could find some way to tone it down a bit. Your visitors will thank you.

And on a side not, sans is French, not Latin. It comes from the Latin word sine(without).

About the using Arial as a font, that was the origional font.

White backgrounds are hard for me to deal with. I never have liked using them.

Right now the font is Times New Roman, but I’ll probably change it as Veranda (sp?)

*Originally posted by SarahB *
**You’re right that many style manuals require Times New Roman or something similar, but for websites like these that doesn’t really matter. Its more important to have a font that’s pleasing to the eye and easy to read(like Verdana, my personal favorite).

But all that doesn’t really matter since you can hardly read anything with that black/red color scheme. I realize those are your team colors, but I’m sure you could find some way to tone it down a bit. Your visitors will thank you.

And on a side not, sans is French, not Latin. It comes from the Latin word sine(without). **

Two languages I’ve never studied. :slight_smile: Thanks for the correction.

I didn’t mean to suggest that a serifed font be used here, only noting the difference.

White backgrounds are hard for me to deal with. I never have liked using them.

If you expect anyone to spend a great deal of time looking at your work, I’d strongly consider another color scheme.

If you ever hope to market the skills you’ll learn by doing this, you should also learn flexibility. :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Raven_Writer *
White backgrounds are hard for me to deal with. I never have liked using them.

It’s fine that you don’t have a white background. I don’t either. Some off-white / gray is better. And, from looking at your design 3, it really doesn’t look that great either.

What, I think, would improve the design of you site a lot would be to use some tables with different bg colors. If you look at cd, i see 6 different colors for table backgrounds on the index alone. Also, if you notice, the main forums listing is 3 colors in. Trust me, the difference between a frotpage’ed site and hard-coded html is the fact that your tables (or backgrounds with the <div> tag or whatever it is if you don’t like tables and go with total css) can have such color variation. I think cd has 3 different shades of gray. It makes it look much nicer that if it all was the same color.

Now, I’m not going ot claim to be any big-web/graphics person, but I will tell you that the human eye likes variation. Keep the colors mixed up. (But please… don’t go throwing random colors together. Different shades of the same color can be very good.)

my $.02 :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by Jack *
But please… don’t go throwing random colors together. Different shades of the same color can be very good.

Or let the computer tell you what it likes to render:


*Originally posted by M. Krass *
**Two languages I’ve never studied. :slight_smile: Thanks for the correction.

I didn’t mean to suggest that a serifed font be used here, only noting the difference.

You’re welcome, they’re the only two(other than English of course) that I have :smiley:

I thought that was what you meant, but I wanted to make sure. I absolutely hate Times New Roman on websites and I didn’t want someone to misinterpret you and think it was a requirement for websites or something like that.