Team 61 Auto mode

Team 61 auto

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should work now Sorry

Looks great! Out of curiosity, why the added turn at the end? I feel like all that’s doing is increasing the chance of a partner robot driving into you since the robot and game piece footprint increases in that direction when you turn.

Can’t wait to see you guys on the field!

why the added turn at the end?

We turn to make sure we stay inside the Auto zone.

Any team that can do this will be desirable.

Do you have a second mode where you just move the container without touching the tote? Several teams are designing to pick up all three totes (and a container). It would give you flexibility, which is always useful.

Looks awesome!

why did your team choose to release the tote and bin at the end?

As I understand it, you can be in contact with a tote or bin to score a set but have to release to score a tote stack.

Auto program part 2

After auto 3 parts

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

this takes from 1:33 min to 1:38 min to stack 6 plus bucket but we are getting faster at it.

[QUOTEwhy did your team choose to release the tote and bin at the end?]

That was just testing it see new youtube

Any teams going to Springfield MA Pioneer Valley event want to talk about strategy. Knowing that we are trying to help each other maximizing our points.

I know we set up multiple autonomous modes. it would be nice to plan ahead of time what teams need during auto mode. Which spot they would like to start in and what they are planning on doing in autonomous