Hi all! This is the latest Team 66 website. Let me know what you think, would love for some input. ALso if there are any experienced HTML writers out there im interested in learning how. Thanks a lot
Not that bad. Did you use a wysiwyg or did you use pure html? If the former, it’s not that impressive. If it’s the latter, I’m impressed.
Made in trellix I see.
The content leaves something to be desired. I would suggest some actual content instead of lots of random images.
Maybe break the site up into some more pages?
If there’s any HTML on www.team696.org that you like send me a PM and I’ll help you out with using similar code for your site.
If you can, get rid of the sound. It is a little tacky, and well degrades from the site. Add more text and imformation, it needs some filler to get rid of the white space.