Team 67 | The Hot Team | Roadcase Pit Writeup

Presenting our 2023/24 Hot Team Pit

This will be the start of our pit build as we continue to push forward on progress ahead of the 2024 season. The foundation of these are road cases that are commonly used in the music industry but we’re adapting them to be used in the FRC district system.

Existing solution and the downfalls

Existing Setup

  • (2) 40” Snap-on toolboxes
    • One for mechanical and one for electrical
  • (1) Large Vidmar mobile workstation with large drawers
    • Gearbox spares
    • Mechanism spares
    • Motor spares, etc.
    • Battery Drawer holding (9) batteries and (2) chargers
  • (3) “HOT” Seats
    • Provide seating or sleep station
    • Seats open for storage
      • Mini Shop vac
      • Assembled swerves
      • Extension cords
  • (XX) Milwaukee Puckouts stacked for small part storage
    • Had a quick rack mid-season but nothing great


  • Load in/out of trailer and venue take considerable time and man powder due to lots of pieces
  • Everything “Kinda” has a home but its fluid depending on the flow of a tournament
  • We need more space so we have everything needed to repair our robot efficiently
  • A more professional appearance that reflects our teams’ mission/goals

Existing pit setup from worlds

Goals and features for the new pit

  • Every item has a home and can be easily returned by any student/mentor
  • Vertical storage to increase open floor space
  • Fit in a FIM district pit (we commonly see less than 10x10)
  • Immediate brand recognition and overall branding at each event
  • Contribute to Winning every match
    • Functional space to field a competitive robot each match
    • Minimize wasted time
      • Like looking for items
  • Teach incoming student’s key skills that can be applied to our future robots

The Build – Hot Team Style

Fabrication Methods

We will use a lot of manufacturing methods that are not available to all teams but this pit could be built with other methods and achieve a similar result.

  • 2.5 and 3D milling of tubing
  • Water Jet and Omio CNC for sheet metal
  • CNC and manual brake for precision bends
  • Printing via SLS, Markforged FFF, Ultimaker FFF, Prusa FFF
  • Welding via TIG and MIG (Spool gun)
  • Anodizing and Powder coating via sponsor

Design Style and materials

You will see a lot of sheet metal and tubing, two extremely common building methods on the HOT team. This small tubing size was chosen for space savings since we already minimized the footprint of the pit for our common events.

  • 1” x 0.50” Aluminum for most of the structure
  • 1” x 0.50” Steel tubing for horizontal bracing over large spans
  • 1/6” 5052 Sheet metal bent, welded, and riveted together
  • 1/6” 5052 Sheet metal for bracing/brackets
  • ¼” 7075 Aluminum for heavy drawer support
  • PA6-CF, PC-CF, PETG, and Tough PLA used for printed brackets and supports
  • Off the shelf parts used for:
    • Lights
    • Slat wall
    • Mini Fridge
    • Casters
    • Latches
    • Hinges
    • Worktops

Case dimensions and concept layout

The Pit has a layout of 9’ by 9’ which leaves a little room for actives when we have larger pits available. Early student sketches and renders below that we used as idea generation to get full team buy in.

Case core racks, power tools drawer, and battery drawer

Looking forward

As we move into the fall, we have ramped up progress and secured our cases to begin our build out. Lookout for monthly updates and a final year-end post showing the completion and evolving improvements.



Looks good!

What are you doing for the dolly / caster plate under the road cases? Ours started with 3/4" plywood, but one corner of the dolly plate broke the first time it hit a curb :frowning: We’ve since replaced it with a welded steel dolly:

At minimum, I recommend you use 20mm Baltic birch plywood for your dolly plate, which is a fair bit stronger (and more expensive) than regular pine plywood.

We worked directly with Nationwide Case in Wixom, MI to design the form factor and some robustness improvements to the cases. I can post direct contact info to them for those who are interested.

One of those improvements was to double up the bottom 3/4 thick plywood and increase the size of the extrusion that holds it all together. On top of that we plan to bend 1/8th 5052 into a hat section which will join the casters into a common plate. As well as provide a storage location for long stock.

We ran some initial studies and determined it would increase bending stiffness roughly 20x and torsional stiffness by 30x more than a single sheet of plywood alone. We were using a 500lb couple at the end of the hat section for this study.




Looks very nice! I’d just worry a bit about ground clearance with that extrusion storage if you have to go over a cable bridge or door threshold


We have some of the same concern. The casters are 5in, with 6.5in ground clearance, and the storage section of the hat is 3in leaving ~3.5in ground clearance. We benchmarked the clearance needed to clear the break over angle on our trailers ramp to get that number. Most cable protectors are 3in tall so worst case it would rub some. We wanted to be able to store a 2in polycarbonate tube on top of a piece of 1x1 in the hat section so it’s a balancing act




Jokes aside, it looks great. :clap:

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And then @RonnieS said let their be light


Short update but much bigger ones coming in the next few weeks. Manufacturing is almost all done, CNC folks finishing some of the last upper rack parts.

We did the final lower rack framing today, all final welded. Picture below of it on fixture table and then in the case with butcher block on top.

Next week we will have both upper racks test fit and sent off to powder coat and anodizing with our lower rack. This is the stage where all the work finally starts to show and things go together well…hopefully :smiling_face_with_tear:.



We’re long overdue for this update: things happened. As we end the year, the end is also near on these road cases being competition ready. Pictures below of progress:

We have lots of work to do on our drawers and organization but here is a glimpse into how it ticks.

Things left to do:

  • Button up wiring, computer, lights
  • CNC boat flooring foam drawer faces
  • Mount last electrical drawer
  • Finish battery drawer (plugs and dividers)
  • Organize and label all areas
  • Mount mini fridge and stock everything

Final…final? Update for a bit. Drawer face foam is done and just need to install mini fridge now. Welcome to the HOT pit for 2024 and beyond! Feel free to stop at comps to check it out.

Final Features:

  • Milwaukee packout for all fine organization
  • Clear bins on side case for bulk items like control system parts
  • 5G internet for Pit streaming and scouting master uploading to server
  • 12 robot batteries all charging
  • Built in pit computer for streaming, music, programming, scouting
  • Super bright LEDs for well lit pit
  • Mini fridge
  • Corner case for bulk storage and strategy boards
  • Red bins for bulk storage



Looks great Ronnie!
And Snap-On tools :slightly_smiling_face: :call_me_hand:

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Looks really good, I would have loved to do something like this if we had the space to and means to safely transport it to our venues.

Any plans to Kaizen foam the tool drawers rather than use the egg foam to keep tools in place while you travel? It’s also good for a quick visual on missing tools.

Yes, we just ran out of time :grimacing: The egg crate foam was an inexpensive lining and lets us play with where things live throughout the season. Once we like it we will look into some kind of shadow foam, more than likely after April

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Thanks Glenn! Pumped to see what you guys come up with. See you at champs :handshake:t4:


Looks great and thanks for sharing it with us.
Could you share a bit more about the drawer faces/foam?

It looks awesome, but other than looking awesome, I don’t understand the purpose. (Not that looking awesome is not enough purpose, but I wonder if there’s something more to it as well [like anti-vibration/damage in transit, etc].)

Could you also share a bit about the stack-up of the foam (is the multi-color a backer of red and a CNC front of grey foam)?

After going through a season with it, anything that you’d change (other than shadowing the tools perhaps)?

Sure! The foam was an idea from a few of our mentors. Its generally used as boat flooring. It comes in a roll ~6mm thick and two color bonded. So the top 3mm are grey and the bottom 3mm are red. We just put it on our router to cut out the grey to show the red from underneath.

The material itself is an EVA foam with adhesive backing, ours is from a company called Marine Mat. We decided to roll with it mainly because of its durability when used on boats over multiple years, and our ability to customize it how we want.

If I were to do it again, I’d never make custom drawers. We did a lot of custom work (welded frames, bent one piece sheet metal with welded seams) to fit what we had in an 8.5ft x 8.5ft pit due to playing in districts. Ultimately I would rather have used some of the 19in server rack drawers that I’ve seen some other teams using. Other than that the pits worked out great for us this year and we were really happy with the upgrade.


Do all the part organizers and totes stay in the rotating shelves while you rotate the shelves up and during travel? if they do, how hard is it to rotate them up when everything is all the way loaded?

The red part organizers are Milwaukee packouts, which have a locking feature integrated. We just cut the opposite portion of the pattern into sheet metal riveted to the racks. So they lock in for when the top flips down. We use a cargo net to retain the clear bins for transport

do you buy all of your Milwaukee stuff or is there a sponsorship?