Team 68 Animation 2004- Truck Town Thunder A

Hey all,

I would like to share htis year’s animaiton with the CD community. All the ones (most of them) that we have ever entered, are available in .wmv format, usually under 10 megs. on our website.

Take a look, and let me know what you think.

Overall, I would give it a 6 / 10.

It’s far better than anything I could do, but compared to some of the other ones I have seen, this is pretty low-end. Music didn’t seem to match right and physics seemed odd.
I did like the “Code Vision” at the end, that was a really neat effect.

Not amazing, but definitly nothing to be ashamed about.

Heh-heh :smiley: I wish the purple balls did that in real life. It would make our driver’s life a whole lot easier.

Cool animation, though! A little more of a formal tone than ours usually are.

Your animation is just one of them that is sooo close to amazing, but is ruined by a few minor flaws. My biggest complaint is that it doesn’t really seem to tell a story (which is 35% of your animation score, the largest portion, hence the most important part). From a technical standpoint, what the heck was up with the robot’s reflection map? Anyway, like I said, very close to greatness. Like I said, just a few minor flaws.

I downloaded your field (thanks for putting i up), and you clearly spent quite a bit of time to put so much detail into it. Really, more than it needed. Because of this, it appears you had less time to work on the other aspects of your animation.

Texture mapping is key. The way the maps go on that robot is the single biggest eyesore in your animation. Try to fix that next time (and don’t make the mistake my team did and add a bunch of simple maps last minute, maps are important, you need to make them a priority). Also, some maps other than just grey at the beggining would’ve been nice.

Storyline. This is the whole purpose of the animation. You need to make sure your animation gets your message across.

Still, an excellent animation overall. Good luck next year.