well almost finished…
well almost finished…
You stole our robot design! Ours looks just like that.
BTW Eye spy an AndyMark Transmission.
6WD with AM Traction wheels.
Parts is parts.
Hey that looks pretty good. Just one bit of advice. In order to get maximum data flow through the camera serial port, you might want to wire pin 1 of the serial port to the controller. Other than that, your a worthy opponent and I can’t wait to play against you.
As a robot inspector, I can tell you that your robot easily meets the height limit, but “parts” of it are extending beyond the 28" x 38" envelope. Also, the main breaker is not readily accessible and there’s no provision for your red/blue flag. While we’re at it, your team numbers are not clearly visible and that tape on the end of the cardboard tube is not being used for electrical insulation - it has to go!
Otherwise, it looks like it has great competitive potential !!
As an assistant robot inspector I see metal on carpeting and sharp corners :ahh:
And they said you couldn’t just empty the kits on the ground and get working robot. I guess they proved them wrong
Nobody is even mentioning all the PVC
I’m particularly intimidated by the awesome display of cardboard tube technology. In one of our latest prototypes we utilized the cardboard sheet material to great advantage. However this cardboard tube looks like it will be hard to beat come competition, and how you were able to attach the shrink wrap just baffles me.
pssssssst… alex… no ones figured out that its just a bunch of parts… they actually think its our real robot… we really fooled 'em this time.
Yes, just like the “Gear box” from another team fooled us.
you mean that wasn’t a 8 speed shift on the fly gearbox?
Apollo 13 anyone?
(Now only using these parts, create a detailed instruction manual that can be followed in orbit )
ah man, we haven’t gotten that far
I think we have a winner here.