Team 7457 Presents our 2021 Robot: Darth Fuchsia

If a pandemic couldn’t stop us from making another robot, what will? Team 7457 is proud to present our pinkest robot yet Darth Fuchsia!

This year we decided to be extra ambitious with our robot design and set out to be the best we could at everything. In many ways Darth Fuchsia is similar to Dark Side with changes a couple of major changes.
To list a few:

  • Robot shoots out opposite side of intake
  • Adjustable hood (Compared to previous two position hood)
  • Increased Shooter wheel diameter (From 4in to 6in)
  • Intake optimization

Intake and Indexing system:

Coming in at 28.5" wide, its gonna be hard to miss power cells. Intake is designed to intake power cells over the bumpers.

Conveyor and Shooter System:

With a big emphasis this year on shooter accuracy and shooter power, we took a lot of time to prototype how we can achieve both of said goals, which lead us to the shooter design above. We have the ability to store 5 power cells completely in the conveyor system awaiting to be shot.


With the extended time we had this year we decided to tackle swerve. It has been a beast to deal with but we are also getting the results we want to see out of it.

We built this robot to be a great goodbye to our pioneer seniors (seniors that were there the first year to start this team) and to be able to do all the things we would want to that, that we couldn’t do in a normal build season. We hope to take this robot to future off season comps. Once we get to the point when competitions are up and running we will copy and paste our climber from last year and add a control panel spinner.

Now for the question everyone is asking: Why fuchsia?


All Questions are welcome, and I will be adding to this thread more to update on how the build process is going.


Spicy. I really like the Vader on the intake haha, hope it comes out well :slight_smile:

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OOOOOhhhhh, so you’re the team with a hot pink swerve that Purdue IEEE ROV stole by accident! We couldn’t for the life of ourselves figure out whose it was.

Bot’s looking great as always, super hopeful to see it compete in an offseason this fall. Drop a link to a reveal video when you get a chance!

Boiler up!

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Absolutely awesome. Can’t wait until we can see some Hoosier robots in person again.


I got that same feeling!

That was an interesting turn of events thats for sure. Luckily the first person I contacted knew exactly where the parts were. Also we don’t have a reveal video, yet(?), but for now I got some pics of the robot being built and a couple of intake and shooter protos


Got our black bumpers on, all wiring done, ready for presentation!


Really impressive to see how quickly this came together. How long to go from CAD to built as shown here?


This robot was a lot more ambitious in terms of design challenges for us. I believe we finished CAD completely on about 2/20, and then manufactured everything by 2/24 and got anodized parts back on 03/02. And then we finished 90% of the build on 03/03. And ever since then we basically have done tidy work on it. In summary, about 4 days of manufacturing, 1.5 days of assembly and then since then, wiring and programming.




This cad is beautiful. I’m jealous! Cool bot! :slight_smile:


Fusion can do cloud based renders in a matter of minutes, so the renders come out


I’ve been tinkering heavy in CAD lately, so you already know I’m picking apart your CAD pictures. I love how clean it is!

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Thank you! We will probably be releasing cad soon, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

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I for sure will be looking at that. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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Very good design. We were impressed with the intake system at the Rambotics off season event. Well done. Have you released he CAD for the intake?

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Nice Picture from !B3.


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