so the robot is mostly done and we snaped a picture a few days ago and i have been debating puting it up. so I did and here is is
team 768 robot
I think it’s not bad for a rookie team with no engineers. what do you think?
so the robot is mostly done and we snaped a picture a few days ago and i have been debating puting it up. so I did and here is is
team 768 robot
I think it’s not bad for a rookie team with no engineers. what do you think?
Looks pretty good. Can’t believe you didn’t have any engineers.
Good luck at your regionals.
Wayne Doenges
Who needs engineers when you have Johns Hopkins engineering majors?..I guess it was time to update from 375 to 768. Should be a fun year.
Is this your final? It’s nice, especially for having no engineers helping out. Congradulations.
no it’s not our final we still have some more things to do …including our “secret wepon”
%%%%… are your chains big enough??? :eek:
More Power!!! Oh ho ho ho!!!