Team 8 CMP Scouting Alliance 2017

Team 8 is excited to be attending the Houston championships. From our experience last year at championships, we realized that scouting all the matches in a division can be quite taxing, especially if you have a limited number of people. For this reason, we would like to propose the creation of a scouting alliance within our division.

This year we have completely revamped our scouting with an electronic, app-based system. It has been super helpful at both Ventura and SVR, allowing scouts to quickly upload data and strategy leads to obtain real-time stats on specific teams. Using this system, we are interested in creating a scouting alliance to scout qualification matches within our division. In this scouting alliance, teams in the same division as us will supply a squadron of 8 or more dedicated scouters from their teams who would rotate in shifts with other teams. The scouting alliance will use our scouting system and share all the data collected. The purpose of this post is to gather interest and feedback for the alliance and the scouting app.

Hereis a complete rundown of the app along with images. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share.

Though I’m not sure if we will be using your app, I can definitely say it has a beautiful and intuitive design!