Team 8 Presents: Víðarr (Vidar) - Our 2019 Deep Space Robot

Team 8 is proud to present our 2019 robot: Víðarr (Vidar)


  • Custom drive gearboxes for 8 wheel west coast drive powered by 6x NEOs. Top speed of 19.5 ft/sec
  • 2 stage continuous elevator with Dyneema rigging. Can score hatches and cargo on all three levels of cargo and rocket ship.
  • Touch-it-own-it cargo intake with 2″ mecanums powered by one 775pro.
  • Rack and pinion mounted under carriage to extend hatch intake mechanism and push cargo into flywheels.
  • Limelight vision target tracking to adjust robot turning when aligning to loading station and cargo/rocket ship bays.

We are competing at Del Mar, Great Northern, and Silicon Valley. Looking forward to playing there!


Is that free/calculated speed, or actual speed? Cause man that’s fast.

That’s the calculated top speed.

Have you needed to implement software limits on the drivetrain to keep that gearing from browning out the robot? If yes - how has that worked on the Spark Max platform?

Yea. We current limit all of the motors to 35A to help with brown outs. It seems to be working for the most part, but I have some doubts that the SparkMax built in current limiting is working as documented.

Do the calculations include a friction factor?

My impression is that the spark max current limiting is motor side instead of input side like the Talon SRX, and it is also scaled proportionately to (1-speed/free_speed) by default.

Anyone able to confirm or correct this?

Thanks! This explains a lot - we were reading ~50 on current draw from the Spark MAX, and ~10A from the PDP for our elevator.

Team 8 crate leaving the great northern and headed for our shop to be shipped back to somewhere warmer:)


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