Team 843 Nearing the end

Alright i thought i would post pictures/videos i took of our robot the other day i pretty much got most of it except i didnt get the video of it lifting a kid in our class :frowning: (he weighed around 140)

o and this is all taken with my phone so sorry for the bad quality

As someone who might park on your lift at VCU, is your lift going to have some sort of platform on it, or will it remain a forklift-type device?

im pretty sure were keeping it as just forks why?

It would seem alot harder to drive onto the two forks than it would a platform. And with our design, I wouldn’t want the forks on the other areas underneath our bot.

well our forks are fully adjustable and also were just using last years batterys for practice

one of the things that you may have a problem with would be the fact that all the other robots have to have the same width and wheel base as your forklifting mechanism

i like the height that your arm can reach, it’s very good.

oh and one more thing.

if you guys are testing the robot’s manuverability on a basketball court, you aren’t going to get the same response as if you were to test it on carpet because the arena is carpeted

Woops, it says 2006. Thought it said 1006, another canadian team. :rolleyes:

if you look at it there are like a dozen holes so we can move the widths of the forks and also if u look at the video of us driving we have some carpet for practice but it was just for testing :slight_smile:

o and also it did say 1006 but i though it was a typo ahaha :slight_smile:

anyone else have any question comments concerns

a video of our robot lifting last years robot we still need to do a little tweaking but yea

and a better picture of our electrical work

Did you try scoring with the forklift? You might have some issues with your tube-handling device, it looks like it could run into the spider leg disc when you try to put the tube over it.

umm we dont plan on realseing the forks until the very end and also i think we tried the tube lifter and it worked fine