Team 84's progress

Check out those tires :slight_smile: W00t. That’s all we have done. Think we’re going to be busy on the last weekend? Yeah. It took four hours to make one of those tires…and we have eight of them. We found a problem tonight…the frame is warped. We’re sending it to an automotive body shop to flatten it :smiley: And we have come up with a totally new drive system for us. Check out the motor placement. Woo.

Eight wheels sounds pretty cool. I’d be interested in seeing a picture of that. One thing our team does is build a prototype robot so that we can make all our mistakes on that and find out what needs to be fixed before starting on the real thing. It leaves us a bit crunched for time, but its definitely worth it. Good luck!

Well…we are only using 4 at a time (4 spares :)). Also, we have used basically the same base for the past three years so we have an understanding about what will/won’t work. Right now, we’re working on component placement. All those pesky electronics :slight_smile:

I’ll try to post some pictures as we do some big stuff. (Unless weedie hurts me for divulging our secret plans.)

What happened to the Acme? Are you guys wasting all that empty space?

You mean Ames? We are in fact using it…just not to build stuff. We just have a field set up in it…so we go there and do testing. We don’t actually own or lease the building or anything…but the guy who has it now said we could use it until it’s sold/leased. We’re basically just filling space…so we can’t exactly put huge machines in there or anything. (Although it would be very nice)

*Originally posted by OneAngryDaisy *
**What happened to the Acme? Are you guys wasting all that empty space? **

nahh… it’s there… just we don’t have a robot to practice with yet! … your team should consider coming up and having a ‘joust’ with us before shipping :smiley:

evulish… stop giving away our ‘inovative’ drive system… no one needs to know what we have accomplished… take random pictures without details!

*Originally posted by weedie *
**evulish… stop giving away our ‘inovative’ drive system… no one needs to know what we have accomplished… take random pictures without details! **

Haha…you mean I shouldn’t tell them about our hovering device that can propel us over the plexiglass on the ramp. Err…whoops.

*Originally posted by weedie *
**nahh… it’s there… just we don’t have a robot to practice with yet! … your team should consider coming up and having a ‘joust’ with us before shipping :smiley:

evulish… stop giving away our ‘inovative’ drive system… no one needs to know what we have accomplished… take random pictures without details! **

That’d be cool- unfortunately we’re booked for the final weekend before shipping… seems like Miss Daisy is quite a popular robot

That’s some nice wheels you have there- but you’re just messing with us about the drive system… right?

*Originally posted by OneAngryDaisy *
**That’s some nice wheels you have there- but you’re just messing with us about the drive system… right? **

Looks like you’ll have to wait and see :slight_smile: (weedie has threatened me once, I fear she’ll do it again and mean it :D)

I notice only old guys are workin on your bot, wats with that?!:confused:

Yeah. Uhh…we don’t get to do a whole hell of a lot :confused:

Demand a change. It’s your bot too.

:o oh, so it’s not ur choice, that does suck, good thing i got that cleared, and here i was thinking you guys were snobs, hope you guys get to do a lot more

Words to live by…

A quoting from the book of Baker, which I have quoted many times before.

“During the competition, if the engineers try to get too involved, I want to see the students throw the engineers out of the pit.”

:wink: I’ll be looking foward to doing that personally this year :slight_smile: