Team 862 scouting database

Here’s our 2013 scouting database. This excel database is focused entirely on quantitative data and analyzing. Many of features include team accuracy as well as a weighted list. The weights can be edited based on what a team believes is more important. You can sort by auto, tele, climb and points contributed in separate tabs in case there is a tie for other scores.
Another feature is a fast input of matches into the database so you can filter by match list. Simply type in your match list or if possible copy and paste it. A macro will assign the correct match number to the correct team in the data input sheet.
There is no quantitative data input. The spreadsheet can be edited to fit a team’s needs but there are a lot of functions so be careful.
Make sure to enable macros for the best parts of the database to work (it will work without macros but any match organization will not work).

Input, improvements and general comments are greatly appreciated.

Updates for 64 teams and 100 teams to come (as long as out team makes it that far that is:) ).

2013 Scouting Database team 862 (macros disabled).xlsx (546 KB)

2013 Scouting Database team 862 (macros disabled).xlsx (546 KB)

This database worked really well for us at kettering. We got relevant data throughout the competition and were able to pick a winning alliance.

Can you upload it as an .xlsm file instead? The version you have up has no macros at all.

I’ll mess around with in greater detail later, but it looks very slick and efficient. Thank you for sharing this.

you might have to save it as a macro enable copy (save as-macro enabled excel)

When i tried uploading it CD wouldn’t let me, xls could be uploaded

From your performance at Kettering, I’m pretty sure you’ll be needing the larger field versions! Your alliance’s auton flurries in the elims were wonderful (and frightening!) to behold – just depends upon perspective! :wink:

also make sure you don’t use any sorts in the raw data sheet because that will mess up the entire database. I will post updated versions with improvements
With our district win in kettering today we will definitely go to michigan state championships so i will post a 64 team database.

That match was rigged… the score was like 330 to 90 but you still won!

Newest update for 2013 scouting database.

Works for up to 100 teams.


nice looking database! i really like the format
my team did something similar to this though not as fancy

here is the link to mine

In case one of the macros wasn’t working i just fixed the problem and re-updated it.
Any comments?

Team 862,
How do I enable the macros? I selected the text at the top when opening the spreadsheet but it still complains that the macros are not enabled?

Find the “save as” button
Find the “save as type” option and change it to “Excel Macro Enabled Worksheet”

This should work. Also what excel version are you using (what year)? That might have some effect as well (this was made using 2007).

I like the database very much and 4183 will probably end up using this at the Phoenix Regional. However, I have a few questions:

What do you change or do if teams play fewer than 12 qualification matches at a regional?

Is collected data intended to be entered in the “Raw Data” sheet?

Is there anywhere to input notes on matches or data or media from pit scouting?

For the number of matches it will still work if there are less per team. Just ignore the message in the top left corner of raw data tab. Everything still works just as well. The empty spaces will be taken up with Missing! 1 etc. depending on the number of matches missing (or non existent). There may be an update for this by week 4 or 5.

The raw data is meant to be the input area. Just put in the data in the open spots underneath the appropriate header. You can sort by match or team depending on how you want to input the data.

There is not a place to put pit scouting data or other such data. You could use the notes tab but that is meant for short notes on teams that stick out and for a separate pick list.
Our team just keeps everything in paper form and takes it our when needed. This database is meant mainly for numbers.

New update.

Works no matter how many matches are played per team at a competition.

Scouting database 2013- 4.0 is now released.

Macros run faster and smoother.

How does everyone like the database?
Any questions, input, comments?

Update 4.1

Check it out!

New features include bugs fixed for any competitions with over 40 teams. Added eliminations bracket. Alliances table moved to notes section. Slightly edited points contr tab and pick list tab for easier analysis.

new update out, please comment if any bugs occur