Team 930 Mukwonago BEARs 2023 Offseason CAD Release

Team 930 is proud to present our 2023 Offseason robot. This robot is inspired by Team 1923’s 2023 robot and competed at MROC and TWIST.

Onshape Link: Team Team 930 2023 Offseason CAD Release

In preparation for the 2024 Season, we would also like to release one of our preseason projects, a 3D-printed Herring Bone turret.

Onshape Link: Herringbone Turret CAD Release

Please feel free to ask any questions regarding our offseason robot or herringbone turret :slight_smile:


I believe we have only done one turret in my history in FRC so I may not be that familiar with them but what is the intent of the inner stationary ring in your design?

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This turret is part of an unfinished demo robot designed to shoot 2017 wiffle balls. This ring is meant to be a ball guide. I made it because I was worried about balls getting caught between the plates and causing inconsistency issues. The demo bot is still in early development, so the shooter this is part of is likely going to be reworked, so the ring is irrelevant to the rest of the turret.

The turret looks like this at the moment:


The turret is very interesting. Have you considered what’s taking the thrust load from the supporting herringbone gears? It seems like as-is they’ll just rub against the bottom/top plate. Maybe consider adding thrust bearings, or at least low-friction plastic spacers.

Also, why do you need two NEOs to power a turret? Seems like overkill, unless I’m missing something.

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We currently have plastic spacers in the built version to hold up the supporting gears. We would likely look at making some changes to reduce friction if/when we build this in-season.

The built version also only has one neo at the moment. We added the extra neo mounting space for flexibility. We would also likely change to one Neo Mount in-season.

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