Hello again CD community,
This week on “*(http://youtu.be/1O4FTZmJR_0)”, Team 987 discusses how to take your team’s outreach to the next level with help from the experts. We had the opportunity to Skype with the most recent FIRST Hall of Fame team, 1538 The Holy Cows, as well as 2011 Hall of Fame team 359 The Hawaiian Kids about their outreach and how they continue to make FIRST loud. Each team answered the following questions:
- How does your team get students involved in the Chairman’s Award process?
- What type of outreach does your team focus on?
- When does your team start the Chairman’s Award essay process?
- When does your team start the video?
- How does your team document your outreach?
- Does your team finish the award submission before the build season?
- What tips can you offer for the judging process?
- How does your team prepare for the presentation?
This week’s episode is a longer one at about 32 minutes, but we feel the information is highly valuable, especially the information from the Hall of Fame teams. Special thanks to Cathy Schulz and The Holy Cows and Glenn Lee and the Hawaiian Kids for their input. We will try to get the entire interview up as well, as we had to trim the interviews or else we would have had over an hour long video.
Join us next weekend when we discuss robot programming, with special guests from Team 3476 Code Orange.
This week we are also holding a special contest on Facebook. If you like our page, and like and post a comment with your team number (any FIRST team!) on our posting of this video, you could earn yourself two free “I Heart Robots” T-shirts shipped free in the continental United States! We will randomly select winners before next week’s episode via random number generator.
As always, contact us via PM, Facebook, Twitter, or our website with any comments or suggestions for upcoming episodes.
Cheers and happy stop build day from Team 987!*