Hey all,
I’m going to try and collect student emails from all the teams for Championships, but the thing is unlike for regionals I don’t think I can quite conquer four divisions by myself ^^;; so I was hoping a few students from each division could help me out?
I just go around to each team systematically and, if they aren’t busy, ask if any of the students check their email regularly / if they would give me a few email addresses for a student-to-student email list. I tell them it’s all going to be bcc and no spam etc. until I figure out how I can securely make an email list, and only after they give explicit permission to be included. (y’know, golden rule and everything, and I really am paranoid XD)
I’ve been looking around for a while, and I’ve never been able to find any such thing. I know FIRST has an email blast and a list of mentor’s emails, but I think for privacy reasons they don’t give it out? If I’m wrong please tell me, compiling these things is a lot of work… >.<
I’d really like this be students only, please! Anyway, the reasoning behind this all is that I’d really like to be able to contact other teams sometimes, and not all teams are on Chiefdelphi. Especially the teams we should reach out too, I think. Plus it’s hard to tell if the CD emails are active etc. I think more cooperation is always better
I’d like it to be students b/c (a) they often reply faster and (b) it’s intimidating talking to mentors for me
So, is anyone willing to help out? If we divvy it up between a few students for each division it’ll go by much quicker. (Normally a few teams will be out, at matches etc., but together we can track them down faster :D)
Please reply here, pm me, or drop by 1261’s pit tomorrow morning (we’re in archimedes). Thanks a bunch!
If you get asked tomorrow, please really give an email that actually gets checked, and be considerate! Write in all caps if possible >_<;;